
If My Soul Could Sing



6 Years

11-11-2016, 03:38 PM

Faite couldn't help but eye Fable anxiously. His tail was still tucked under his belly and she frowned at the thought. If he'd been an adult an outburst from him after running into her wouldn't have been welcome, but he was still a kid. He was learning and she couldn't condemn him just for being careless and besides, he was absolutely adorable. How could she be angry at a face like that? Had he been bigger she probably would have been bowled over and she tried hard to suppress a grin. That probably would have hurt a bit.

Her ears flicked as he let out a breath and she watched him curiously. Had he been holding his breath? She watched as he shook his head before looking to her leg. There were no visible signs of any injury (he was still a small little fluffball after all) so she hoped that would assuage any worries he had. She was surprised when his tongue licked at the the spot on her leg and she smiled down at him. Was that his way of an apology?

The most shocking thing happened next. He got up and then padded over to lean into her and she let him as he said he was okay. His tone didn't seem like a young carefree pup's should and she frowned again. She peered down at him to meet his gaze, colors quite similar to her own, and then all of a sudden his demeanor switched to happy again. A brow rose at this and a smile tugged at her lips at his wagging tail.

Her smile faded as fast as it'd started and she did her best to keep from frowning at the heart wrenching words. His excitement for the idea he suggested only tugged at her heart strings more. The whine was the icing on the cake and her thoughts raced towards Kavdaya who was currently on a trip with her brother and her own parents. She understood the necessity of the healer leaving, but it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to Creed nor the kids who so desperately needed their mom around. Fable was a clear indication of that - he was craving a mother and now he believed he could get what he needed from Faite. Her heart felt like it was trying to escape through her throat as she gazed down at him sadly. How was she supposed to tell him that he already had a mom? She didn't want to upset him about the situation more than he clearly already was.

"Oh Fable." She murmured softly, trying to nuzzle his head again and even try and give him a swipe of her tongue. "You already have a mom. I promise she'll be back, but I can keep you all company while she's gone?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]