
If My Soul Could Sing


11-11-2016, 03:55 PM

There was so much hope in his gaze as he looked up at Faite, his tail thumping on the ground behind him as he waited for her answer. She said his name and nuzzled him again, making him giggle as her tongue ran across his fur. But then his whole face dropped when she said that he already had a mother. Fable's lower lip protruded as he pouted up at her, his eyes growing misty as he sniffled softly. He was trying to be strong but a wave of sadness washed over the usually excited boy. "Bu' why can't you does it? My Ma lweft an' she might not evwen comes home! It's all my fwault, I not good enough to keep her heres. I no good, I gotta be better," he said with a whine, turning to hide his face in the woman's chest. He started to cry into her soft fur, his body turning as he tried to wiggle even further under her. It just wasn't fair, he was trying so hard to his his Ma's attention but she was just gone. He didn't understand that she would be back, not when he had been gone for nearly all their lives already. How could he know that she would just return? Plus Faite was here NOW, and he wanted this warmth and comfort for him and his siblings in this moment. Not tomorrow, not later, now. His too-large paws kneaded at the ground as her fur grew wet, a high pitched whine muffled by her gray coat. It wasn't fair that he had to wait, and that Da had to work so hard. He wanted to work extra hard to help him, but he wasn't very good at hunting just yet. Fortune had been helping him, but it was hard when all the animals were nearly bigger than him. But Da said that he would be big and strong soon, maybe then he could keep everyone safe and warm. When he was taller than everyone they could cuddle into his coat and he would make sure that they had the nice feeling that Faite made him feel. Was that what love felt like? He knew that he loved his Da and his siblings, and that he wanted to protect them. But he hadn't really felt that fussy feeling before, it was different when Creed had taught him a bit about fighting. That was more pride, but this was comfort, adoration, and it was a motherly feeling that only another woman could give him. He craved it, he hadn't realized just how much he had needed it before now. "Pwease Fwaite, I pwromise I will be good..."

Walk, "Talk" Think