
Step Lightly


06-20-2013, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:38 AM by Yin.)

If she really sat down and thought about it for a second, the events of the past few minutes were actually kind of funny. She'd been prepared to rip his head off from his shoulders because he was pissing her off and now she was walking alongside him of him, bloodied and bruised, but just glad to be alive. Funny how one can find an ally in the most unlikely of people and situations. The hostility from earlier was completely gone, having been sated in battle, allowing Yin to be a much more relaxed version of herself, one who could actually help Hansel out instead of trying to injure him. Had anyone seen them from afar they would've thought the pair had been to hell and back, which they pretty much had been. Good idea. Her tongue ran gently over the cuts across his shoulders and even the one over his nose, despite its rancid smell. She could always rinse her mouth out later.

Her brother probably wouldn't be very happy with how she looked right now. She probably looked like some angel from hell, ivory coat bathed in blood, tissue hanging from the gauges in her shoulder as well as the blood oozing from the wounds. As her thoughts wandered to her brother, she felt a brush against her shoulder. She winced, pulling away slightly before realizing that Hansel had been the one to touch her shoulder. He was returning her the favor by cleansing wound. Jaws clenched, daggers gnashing together as his tongue continued to swipe away at her wounds, cleansing them while exposing them to the salty air. She couldn't see how bad it was, but from the look she was seeing on his face, she assumed it was pretty bad. We should start moving, your wound doesn't look too good. And I don't know anything about herbs so...if someone dropped because of these injuries, I wouldn't know what to do. What about your brother? Where is he? The ivory she-wolf attempted a shrug but only managed to get it up halfway before she had to drop it. It hurt too much.

I left him at the battlefield. I'm not sure if he's still there or if he found someone to give him information about this place, but I'll be fine. Nothing a good night's rest and some dinner can't fix. And then the breeze was picking up, taking her wet fur and tossing it this way and that, hitting her all the way into her bones, making her shudder violently. Damn, it was freezing. She wasn't really sure in what direction they should head but she just moved towards the tree line, keeping her body pressed against Hansel's, but keeping her shoulder well away from his to keep from getting her blood all over him.

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