
Far, Far Away



6 Years

11-12-2016, 07:24 PM

How long are they going to be gone?

As each day passed Faite found herself growing more and more anxious. She wasn't sure if that was because of the raging hormones that came with pregnancy or just because she was worried about her family. It'd been weeks since she'd seen Regulus or her parents. She knew Regulus could handle himself, but with two sick wolves in his wake how easily would he be able to defend them all? What if they didn't come back? How was she supposed to deal with that? It was all unbelievably frustrating.

Her patrols around Celestial ended up branching further and further out away from Celestial. She didn't bother marking the loner lands (they weren't theirs after all) but she was eager to see if she could catch any tell-tale signs of them. If she could just smell them or see Regulus' bright crimson colored coat on the horizon that'd at least help ease some of her worries. Of course there still had to be the admittance that she was pregnant, but maybe she could put it off? She didn't have any outward signs yet, it was still early. So other than the nausea and sleep deprivation she could procrastinate. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan.

Her scouting brought her out into the desert. She couldn't imagine Regulus would want to bring their parents back this way. It was still warm here for the most part. Winter hardly ever seemed to effect the place. She wasn't fond of the sweltering heat and getting sand stuck in her coat, but she shoved the thoughts away. She wanted to find them.

The scent that filtered to her nostrils smelled of water and something else, but her face fell when she realized it was only one wolf and not anyone she knew. Curiosity got the better of her as she padded slowly towards the stranger. She spotted her russet coat easily enough and she realized that the other girl was drenched. She was puzzled but her destination didn't waver and she paused a little ways away. Her eyes immediately zeroed in on the missing limb and she looked away quickly not wanting to be caught staring. The other looked exhausted and Faite was mindful to keep a respectful distance.

"Hi there." She greeted her calmly. "Odd time to be swimming." She grinned softly. It was almost winter, yet the desert at least spared them from cold winds and temperatures.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]