
faint of heart



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-12-2016, 09:14 PM
Holy cow - it was such a great day! His mom had stepped away from their den, and his dad had given him permission to explore on his own. He had no clue that there was no way Aki would truly let the young boy roam completely freely, without staying somewhere nearby, but it sure felt like he had all the freedom in the world today. Peeking out of the den, his silver gaze swept over the lands. He knew he lived here, for now, but not forever. This place was where his mom lived, not his dad, though he was allowed to stay here for now if he was good. His tail waved behind his form, already quite large for such a young boy, as he crouched and peered into the unknown. He hadn't been out of the den, not really.. but nothing was stopping him now! Scrunching his face up, he took his first step into the world beyond his sleeping quarters.

And was it awesome! The sun shone bright overhead, clear and strong, despite the slight chill that hung in the air. He took a few strides, head held high as the grey-furred pup sniffed at the gentle breeze with interest. There were a lot of wolves here! He didn't know any of them, and couldn't help but feel interested in who else might live here. Boldly he continued onward, prancing through the plains with glee that only a child could possibly contain, engrossed in the simple wonder of everything around him - the grass crunching beneath his paws, and the birds singing overhead. What a cool place!