
stomach to the floor


06-20-2013, 08:18 PM

Winter; its frosty fingers grasping possessively at anything within its reach, wrapping chilled thumbs of ice around the stems of plants, blowing frigid gasps of air across grasses and leaves alike. It always seemed to be the most prevailing season; merciless in its massacres of life, unforgiving in its torturous ties. Spring forever came slowly, trying to pry open winter?s frozen palms, using endless variations of natural weaponry in an attempt to pull its desperate last embrace from the breathless lands. Though still the season clung on like a blood-sucking parasite, somewhere, there was always something struggling to break free from its deathly drip. A flower, it?s withered petals fraughting to unwrap in the heated kiss of the sun, would try and try for weeks before one day, Winter had had its fill and finally dropped away.

It were only natural for a youthful and budding she-wolf to test her abilities, to reach out with a wary paw and assess the misty waters; who knew what could lie so silently beneath? Whether it be a welcoming and rewarding change of northern current, or a bitter and cold bite from the hungry jaws of a piranha. One would never truly know until she had tried. Eos had always been the ambitious kind, endlessly determined to stretch far beyond the abilities of her siblings. Being a runt of the litter could do that to you. Though the russet lady had succeeded in her efforts, elegantly tucked abdomen would stretch downwards to a low and airy chest; bordered by straps and lacings of fuel-pumped sway. The youth was a prime illustration of determination and dedication; her self-trained fitness revealing one of the key elements to her material persona.

Though one thing the lady would not candidly admit was the habit of lack of thought, and while the banshee found a proud comfort on her haunches, there was no denying she had potentially cast herself into a dangerous and unlikely state of affairs. A youth in her first mature season, hoping to win over a weathered and oversized veteran with more experience beneath his skin than Eos could ever dream of. But sadly, it was just the way she liked it; risky, daring, implausible. It only made it all the more gratifying when she could boast so pretentiously of her victory. An elevated drawl would coast free of feminine jaws, rolling seamlessly athwart the fluctuating landscape of The Battlefield; an eerie and harmonious call to Glaciem?s alpha. She wanted all that were his; experimentation her only reasoning.