
Long Spiral Down



9 Years
Athena I
11-12-2016, 09:58 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2016, 09:58 PM by Kalliope.)

ooc: gonna liquid time just a tad for the collective lolz

Kalliope paced back and forth across the area in front of her den. Castiel had gone out to hunt or something. To be honest she hadn't quite been listening when he told her what he was doing. It had been a little while since Castiel's proposal, maybe a week or a little over a week. She didn't know for sure if she was being honest. She had been in such a cloud of happiness that she hadn't really been thinking very logically about anything. She woke up early this morning, before the sun had even really gotten into the sky, quite queasy and not feeling quite well. As she laid there in the dark next to Castiel she finally had a chance to really think through their time together so far... and remember that she was in heat. Or had been at least.

She didn't want to bring it up to Castiel just yet. It was too early to tell for sure honestly and it was entirely possible that she was just imagining things. So she had just smiled and nodded and agreed when he said he was going to go do something and as soon as he was out of hearing range she anxiously started pacing. She had to tell someone so maybe they could tell her she was being crazy, but she didn't know anyone else here that well. Just then, like the world had been reading her mind, she heard Faite's howl calling for her. She stopped in her tracks and listened curiously to the alpha's howl. What did Faite need her for she wondered? Tucking her worries onto the back burner for the moment, she trotted off toward Faite, grateful again that she had taken the time to learn the layout of the plains well enough to get around without too much trouble. She caught Faite's scent and headed toward her, but there was something different about her scent... Oh this timing was just too much. There was no way. She chuckled softly to herself and walked over to Faite, a small smile painting her lips. "Hey, Faite," she said in greeting, dipping her head politely to her when she stopped. "What's up?"

"Talk" "You" Think