
Eggs and Bakie!


11-13-2016, 11:59 AM

He felt discouraged that he wasn't perfect at it right away, his face falling into a frown as he gazed up at Creed. His father spoke words of encouragement, saying that he was actually doing really well for having just started. Well, that certainly helped pick his mood back up! Rising to all fours again, he tried to think about where he had gone wrong. Well, he had seen that Da's paws were placed further apart, but... "I swid my paws too fwar," he said softly, looking down at the overgrown things as he spoke. Why couldn't they just magically go where they needed to? Wiggling slightly, he glanced up at the mostly gray man and then back down at his own paws, spreading them out until they were somewhat evenly placed. His back legs were still splayed a little too far, but he wasn't going to let himself fall this time. His white and gray tail fanned out behind him as he lowered his head again, feeling far more steady than he had the first time. Slowly his grin returned, his brows pulling together as he tried to do his best to focus on his stance. Instinct started to kick in as his claws bit into the ground to give him more grip on the earth. A little snort left his nose as he looked up at his dad, his features relaxing to see if he had done better this time. There was no doubt that he was a determined child, and he threw his whole heart into everything that he did.

Walk, "Talk" Think