
Terminal Wanderlust

Oleander I


4 Years
11-13-2016, 12:28 PM
*Herb collection - Ginseng root

With his nose to the ground, Oleander kept his teal eyes peeled for the little red berries that he was so desperately searching for. He had heard from a stranger that a very rare herb grew here, and he was curious to see if he could gather any of it before winter rolled in. Because of the dry seasons, he had been seriously lacking in any sort of herbs for his collection, even when it came to seeds for his garden. With a sigh he lifted his head, looking to his left to see where Cedar had ended up. The black-backed jackal was sniffing near the lake, and he was about to head off in another direction when the form of a resting wolf cut across his path of sight. Taking a pause, his head tilted to the side as he watched her for a moment. She was laying awfully still, the stench of ocean water still clinging to her fur. Blinking in alarm, he wondered if she was okay. It was pretty cold to go about taking a dip in the water, and he wondered if she was going to catch a chill. The wind carried the promise of a colder season within it, ruffling her fur. His concern rose, but what was he supposed to do? If he just walked over and laid beside her she might try to bite his face off. Ollie swallowed back a whine, turning to his brother to see what he thought about it. The smaller canine just shrugged his shoulders, going about his own business. Honestly, sometimes he was a lot more trouble than helpful. His tail flicked behind him as he fought with himself, until finally he just padded over anyways. He wasn't just going to leave her like that.

As he grew closer to the stranger, he cleared his throat to try and capture her attention. "Ignosce mihi, excuse me miss," he said softly, leaning down to try and press his nose against her foreleg. "Do you need some auxilium, some help?" His habit of mixing Latin words into his speech didn't stop here, and he stood very awkwardly in front of her. If she wanted to warm up, he was sure that him and Cedar laying on either side of her would aid in that goal. Speaking of that jackal... Oleander looked up to see him heading this way, rolling his golden eyes at the wolf's pleading look. He was hopeless with the social construct of conversations, and honestly he would be lost without him. Turning back to the female, he awaited her answer.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.