
Terminal Wanderlust



4 Years
11-13-2016, 01:00 PM
Perhaps I had indeed drifted off into sleep, for none of my senses alerted me to the approaching male. A cold nose pressed into my leg, a deep but gentle voice sounding off near my ear. Perhaps a millisecond too late, the alarms sounded off in my head. Wolf! Wolf two inches from your face! Danger! And before I even really knew what was happening, my body jolted in one swift, awkward motion into a sitting position, hind legs attempting to push my body all the way up, but in my half-asleep state, I didnt take into account that I only had one.
Right leg heaved hips off the ground, but with no left leg to counter the momentum, my hips just flung wildly to the left, hitting the ground again with a thud and eliciting a stifled yelp.
I froze then, in my splayed out sitting position, forelegs wide apart, chest awkwardly low; my right hind was flung out to the side, my full weight resting on my nub of a hip.

How. Freakin'. Embarrassing.

My ears pinned to my skull, heat flooding my face. How d I recover from this? Oh right, I dont. Good going, Simber.
Tail thumped quietly against the grass; Sorry about that... I, uh, I wasnt paying attention... I winced at my own stupiditiy. Way to make a first impression.
Emerald gaze stared at the strangers paws, only briefly flicking to his little companion. A...jackal? Interesting.
Wait....had that wolf spoken latin to me?
Eyes flicked up to the male, his pelt a menagerie of tawny grays and his eyes a soft blue. I was desperate not to let my horrific introduction force an awkward silence to fall over us, so I spoke the first thing that came to my head: You have nice eyes.
I visibly winced again, groaning internally. Oh my god, kill me now. Why was I like this?