
Can't Say You Won't {MEETING}


11-13-2016, 01:16 PM

Her lilac gaze drifted from wolf to wolf around her until she finally heard Bass speak and she lifted her attention up to him. Nothing too terribly surprising this meeting. Mentors needing to train their apprentices, new wolves in the pack, plans for things to do in the future. She made a note to look out for the pack hunt later. If they did indeed go to do that then she might as well take part. After all they all had to eat and she might as well take the opportunity to be more involved. She was, of course, more interested in the mention of a sparring tournament. Anything dealing with fighting was automatically in her comfort zone. She did like the idea of making a winner takes all tournament out of it. That certainly appealed to her competitive nature. It was still odd to her to fight not out of necessity. As she looked around at the other wolves in the pack, she wondered to herself if any of them had ever had to fight for their lives. Everything seemed so calm here, she highly doubted it. Who knew, maybe she was wrong and she just so happened to join during the dullest time in this pack's history. When Bass opened the floor for suggestions her eyes went to one of the newer members, Storm she presumed since she started out by addressing Quake, when the darker colored woman began to speak. All good suggestions she supposed. She had never been all that interested in healing, but she understood its purpose and had paid enough attentions during her lessons as a child to patch up a wound on the battlefield. When Storm was done she waited a beat in case Bass wanted to reply or any additional comments to her suggestion were to be made before she spoke. "If anyone is interested in practicing before this sparring tournament I would be happy to practice with you," she said, glancing around the group as she spoke. She didn't have much to say like Storm did, but she figured now was as good a time as any to offer it.

Art by Evelyn