
Long Spiral Down



9 Years
Athena I
11-13-2016, 01:35 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 01:35 PM by Kalliope.)

Kalliope smiled and shook her head at Faite's insistence that she had been planning on coming to her instead of calling for her. "It's fine, i don't mind. The plains are pretty easy to get around." She had just assumed that it was Faite's right as the alpha to call her if she needed her, but she appreciated the sentiment anyway. She settled back onto her haunches and waited for Faite to get to telling her why she had called, and she listened curiously as Faite described her ailment and asked what could be wrong. Her brows lifted with surprise. She really didn't know? Although she supposed that it might be a bit harder to tell a change in one's own scent and not everyone's nose was as sensitive as hers. Perhaps Faite wasn't completely familiar with she symptoms?

"Well, um, how do I say this..." she started with a soft chuckle. "If your symptoms and scent have anything to say about it, I'd say you're pregnant, Faite." She certainly wasn't the best at sugar-coating things or beating around the bush. She'd rather just cut to the chase. "I mean, as long as you've had sex recently. I could be wrong if you hadn't." She still couldn't believe this timing. She kind of wished she was more tactful with her words considering how anxious she had been all morning just at the possibility of being pregnant. She could only imagine how Faite was feeling now. She almost wished she could see Faite's expression. "I'm sorry if I'm not the best at breaking news like this." She couldn't even really reach out to comfort her without awkwardly fumbling around to find her. Jeeze, was this the kind of stuff healers dealt with all the time? She supposed she'd have to get used to it if she was going to be a healer full time now.

"Talk" "You" Think