
Terminal Wanderlust



4 Years
11-13-2016, 03:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 03:13 PM by Simber.)

The male tucked his tail during my outburst, instantly taking on a submissive posture. Had I startled him that much? Quod bene He spoke again; so it was Latin. How odd. It was a language my mother was fluent in as a high priestess, a language I had picked up here and there, but it had never truly stuck with me.
I looked down the man's Jackal companion and I nodded. Im fine, I think I just bruised my pride a little bit. I laughed softly, assuring them that I was, in fact, okay. The only thing I suffered from was being an absolute idiot.
With a small groan, I hoisted my hind end up, lone leg quivering slightly, but it was a much more dignified posture than before. I lowered my head and shook out my pelt lazily, riding it of some debris.
Latin is not a language you hear too often anymore. I spoke, straightening myself to my full height, which was...laughable. A mere twenty-seven inches; I stood in the (metaphorical) shadow of the splotched, tawny man. Brow furrowed as I tried to recall some of my latin... Okay, come on Simber, you have to know something. Think of all those hours mom spent drilling you. Quid agis? I offered, not sure if I had pronounced it correctly, or even if it meant what I thought it did.That means 'how are you' right?I asked, a soft smile forming on my maw.
He was clearly quiet, withdrawn even. But I was one known for running my mouth and forcing anyone with ears to listen to me, and at least engage slightly, so I figured he would decide rather fast if I was a nuisance or not, and I would not stop him from going about his day if he so chose.