
capsized by the weight of it all {AW - herb collecting thread}



10 Years
11-13-2016, 04:18 PM
Ara had never been that great about small talk. What was there to talk about, really? She had few real interests beyond healing, and her family. Many wolves didn't care for healing, and there wasn't much to talk to regarding her family, especially recently. It was deeply refreshing to find some common ground to talk about. Talking of healing, and of herbs, came easily to her and made the normally quite introverted girl seem leagues more confident and outgoing. In reality, she wasn't much of either.. but she was always happy to share her knowledge with others. She knew she needed to contribute more, anyone, to ensure she and her family had a place here.

Her own grin, a gentle expression, brightened a bit at Faelyn's interest. "You're new to Fiori, then?" she'd ask gently - she hadn't seen her around before, but Ara mainly kept to herself anyway, so if she hadn't noticed her it wouldn't be much of a surprise. She was more pleased at the fact that the younger girl wanted to join her, though. Her tail wagged behind her, unabashed in her pleasure. "You're more than welcome to join me," the woman offered freely. She cared little for how much she did, or didn't know. Why not share? The company was appreciated, even if Ara wasn't one quick to admit that she felt lonely at times. Though she was more comfortable being alone, that didn't mean she always wanted to be alone.

"Nice to meet you then, Faelyn," Ara smiled yet again. "My name's Ara. Ara Destruction. Let's head over here," The Destruction name, while not one she'd had from birth, was part of her identity and one she wanted to hold on to for as long as possible. She hated thinking about the ifs of Novel not coming home. Shaking her head, she'd take a few steps toward the falls, knowing some herbs grew there - the warm water made for fertile soil, and she was sure she could find something there to show her.