
Terminal Wanderlust

Oleander I


4 Years
11-13-2016, 04:59 PM

Cedar nodded his head when she said that she hurt her pride, a smirk on his inky lips. She wasn't very graceful, and when she stood the jackal understood why. He cast his eyes away from her missing limb, only to see that Oleander had spotted the same thing. He was staring quite openly at the stump of a leg, and he cleared his throat and softly bumped against his brother. Oleander shook her head and glanced at the black-backed canine, a question in his gaze. Cedar only shook his head, telling him silently that staring wasn't okay. He could see the rush of embarrassment that took over his features, and he suppressed a laugh. He was such an odd creature, that was for sure...

Ollie turned back to the woman with a look of muted horror, his ears flicked back as he tried to think about something to say. "Quid dicam esse?" he asked under his breath, but the jackal just ignored him. It would seem that he was on his own for this one, ashamed of the fact that he had been staring at her missing limb. He was quiet for far too long, feeling quite awkward as he racked his brain to find anything to say. Something was better than nothing, right? "Quid accidit? What happened?" he asked softly, almost muttering as the words left his mouth. Was that okay? Was he allowed to ask? Glancing at Cedar, the jackal just shrugged his shoulder. What a delight he was being today.

Oleander found himself clearing his throat again, shuffling his weight across his paws in an uncomfortable way. "Sorry I'm not very good at... haec, this," That was his way of explaining his manner, picking up a paw to draw a crude circle in front of himself in the air, motioning to the conversation in a metaphoric way. Honestly he sucked at talking, usually Cedar helped him. Today it seemed like he was quite literally throwing him to the wolves, and the man swallowed hard. He had already made a fool of himself, there was no going back now. Soon she grabbed his attention in a much better way though, saying that Latin was hardly spoke anymore. His whole demeanor lit up entirely, the excitement palpable on his face. His gray tail thumped on the earth as she offered him a statement in Latin, and while her pronunciation was slightly off she had the right idea. "Hoc iam dudum expertus sum, qui dicit alio potes! Bonum est in occursum adventus tui;" he fired off without thinking, letting his eagerness get ahead of him. It was only when she double checked the meaning of quid agis that he realized that she was probably rusty. His face fell slightly, but it didn't lose all sense of joy. "Close, it means 'how do you do'," he answered quickly.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.