
Terminal Wanderlust



4 Years
11-13-2016, 05:35 PM

My ears flicked about at the mumbled latin, but it was clear that it was for his companion and not for me, but the jackal made no move to answer him. Again, the taller male spoke in latin, and I furrowed my brow, but he was quick to correct himself with the English. I laughed softly and the males gesture; it was sweet, cute even. He was uncomfortable, but he was trying, and I appreciated that. But I didn't get a chance to speak on it before he launched into his latin spiel. My eyes went wide as I struggled to comprehend it all. I knew a few of the words, sure, but not the whole sentence put together. He stopped though, fixing my translation. I would have to remember that.

Shoulders rose and fell in a nonchalant shrug, a soft smile reappearing on my maw. "I lost a fight with a bear trap when I was younger. Nothing too exciting." Talking about my accident did nothing to me; I could speak of it freely, discuss it with others, and use my knowledge to help others who might be dealing with anything similar... it was what really sparked my interest in healing. When my mother was trying to teach me, I was too young, too full of energy to appreciate her words. But now, it was all that I strived to be.
"My name is Simber, by the way. And, if it means anything at all, I think you're doing just fine at this... at haec" I did my best to copy his pronunciation of the pronoun.
I took one awkward step forward, closing the distance just a little bit between me and the male. "Im obviously nowhere near your level... perhaps you could help me brush up on my Latin sometime?" I asked, canting my head to the left.
This was good. My outburst and fall hadnt totally foiled my chance at making a new friend.