
Faite x Zell Litter



5 Years
11-13-2016, 06:21 PM
[ Character Name: ] Heartless Adravendi-Valentine
[ Gender: ] Female
[ Design: ] #8, though instead of cream leg bands, she will have cream socks like #s 7 and 14!
[ Height: ] 32 inches
[ Weight: ] 115 pounds
[ Eye Color: ] Heterochromia - Heartless has two different eye colors, her right eye is yellow and her left eye is blue. The right eye is a bright, sunlit wonder. The blue of her left is deep and celestial. Both are mesmerizing and it is hard to focus on only one.
[ Body type: ] lean - fast - strong - feminine
[ Lean ] - Heartless is a thin, breakable looking female. She possesses thick muscle layers, though they are so well placed it is hard to see exactly how strong she truly is. Her body is narrow, streamlined and neat. The widest part of her is taken straight from her mother and is her chest - though by wolf standards it is still a delicate looking chest.
[ Fast ] - Being so wispy gives the advantage of a rather alarming flexibility to Heartless. Her back is long and spring-like, giving an extra length to her stride that allows her to be much faster than one would guess. It also allows her to swing around almost double on herself, giving her a better range of motion than most.
[ Strong ] - This girl has plenty of muscle, thanks to her father and mother. Through her coat one can see the supple curves of her thick muscles. Curves abound with her, from her elegant stance to the way her hips are perfectly rounded. She is beauty personified with her carriage and grace, but one can easily see that she has bite as well as looks.
[ Feminine ] - Heartless is a delicate looking doll-like creature, her face is the utter definition of beauty. She is expertly crafted with a delicate bridge and gently sloping forehead. Her ears are small and lightly pointed, her neck elegantly curved to give her a regal holding that comes naturally. Her chest is sloped ever so gently down into long, lean and well-muscled legs that make her seem to dance more than walk. Her ribcage is deep, and slopes up into a trim stomach. Her back is one long elegant line of strength that meets softly rounded hips to descend into powerful, yet graceful hind legs.
[ Coat pattern: ] Red velvet cake :D
This girl's base color is so vibrantly russet, that it almost looks like the cake part of red velvet cake. To top off this look, she has the creamy off-white color of her father that looks just like the cream cheese icing one would put on that little bite of deliciousness. This creamy yellow is found over her eyes, temples, the bridge of her nose, the tip of her bottom jaw, in a broken rim around her ears, and in stockings on all four of her paws.
[ Fur type: ] Soft, thick, short
[ Personality: ] Right from the start she is a born rebel. She has her own ideas about life, and how things should be done. That is not to say she would ever commit an act that would harm another wolf, but she does not always follow the rules. Often, she will shirk responsibility and usually instigate confrontation. As a pup she will be unruly, belligerent, and sometimes downright disrespectful. Definitely a handful for mom. Luckily, she will mature as she comes into her own, leveling out to become a complete opposite of her wild child self. Do not doubt that this teen will still give her parents the slip when it comes time to do something she doesn't want to do! She still possesses the knowledge and ability to elude what she does not want to face. Heartless will eventually come to accept that some things she will simply have to do, growing up to become a well rounded and level headed female. She will come to accept the things she cannot change, possessing the will and courage to change the things she can, and the knowledge, patience, and understanding to tell the difference. The flower that thrives in adversity, is often the most beautiful flower of all.
[ Character Alignment: ] Chaotic good.
[ Rp Sample: ]
She eyed her mother as she slept, her mismatched gaze carefully watching to ensure that the rule-maker was indeed asleep. Noting the deep breathing and the light snores coming from her, the child supposed it was time to make her escape. Laying her delicate paws down softly, Heartless makes her way outside to enjoy some stolen freedom. Mother claimed it was dangerous out here for a pup as young as she, but Heartless had to prove her mother wrong. Something screamed it at her to go out and see what was so bad about these outdoor areas. Once she was clear of the den's gaping mouth, she sprang forward in a leaping bound that carried her away from the safety of her mother's den. Shooting off like a rocket, Heartless kept her young legs moving until she felt she was far enough away from the den that she wouldn't get caught.

Once she slowed, she turned her cream masked face to where she had come from, smiling in triumph as she heard no sounds of alarm from her mother just yet. Small, delicate ears twitch as she hears a rustling in the grass, yellow and blue eyes looking to see a flash of brown and her nose caught the smell of rodent. She was too young to hunt, but chasing after these little brown fluffs was fun and exciting! Moving to follow the mouse, Heartless quickly finds the trail of him, keeping on track and even catching up to him! Excited, she nipped and pawed at the tiny creature to make it go faster. Suddenly, something moved in the corner of her eye that made her jump sideways away from the threat. Yelping with surprise, Heartless looks back to see a snake coiled in the grass with the mouse in its mouth. Growling at the spoilsport, Heartless lashes her red tail in aggravation and turns back to go to the den. That was enough excitement for the moment, that snake could have gotten her. Perhaps, Mother had been right, and she was simply lucky she had not been bitten. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to explore when she is older.
Caliber can be extremely grumpy at times and has been known to kill when he is pushed too far. Please use caution when threading with him!