
home at last


06-20-2013, 09:49 PM

The laws of which Aria spoke were easy enough to understand. Angeal inclined his head slightly, examining Aria thoughtfully. He did, in fact, have a few questions about the finer details, however, though it took him several long moments to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. "What happens if a wolf chooses to leave the pack?" Angeal asked thoughtfully, head tilted slightly to the side. That was a good way to gauge a pack, after all. If they chose to enslave deserters, which Angeal had heard of occurring, well, that wasn't a place he was sure that he wanted to stay in.

But thus far, Ludicael seemed like a pack that Angeal could be happy enough in. It was different from his old pack, and that was the way that Angeal liked it. He had left his home for a reason, after all. And so, with a twitch of his ears, Angeal voiced the other question that had weighed heavily upon his thoughts. "And what if . . . there isn't much that a wolf can contribute? To Ludicael, that is. What if their area of expertise is one that wouldn't necessarily benefit the pack?" This one was near and dear to Angeal's heart. His area of expertise was war and fighting. But that wasn't something that he wanted to do anymore. He wasn't sure that he had anything at all to offer Ludicael.

Maybe Aria would surmise as much from his question and drive him off. Angeal wouldn't have been surprised, honestly. Still, he glanced at Liste after he spoke, his gaze seeking the comforting warmth of her golden eyes. It was the only obvious difference between the two wolves (other than size). They were similar, otherwise, perhaps close enough to be siblings. But Angeal would not wish the fate of being related to his mother on any other wolf.

Shaking his head slightly, Angeal refocused himself on Aria, waiting for her to realize that he could contribute nothing and drive him away. Liste, he was sure they would welcome, but him? What could he offer? Nothing.
