Flutter in the wind
He had suspected something was going on between his father and the woman. He'd not been exposed to his father's romantic adventures before but he remembered the stories his father had told him of his past relationships. He was not ashamed, but rather found a sense of relief that his father had found himself again and that it didn't end with Abelinda. A small smile creased his youthful muzzle as his father announced her, up until he placed her among the royal family. He raised a single 'brow dot and looked to the rainbow woman once again. She seemed inviting enough, though of course there was reason for him to be skeptical of welcoming her into the family open hearted. The words that came from Marina himself offered him further relief from being forced to do just that, so the small smile returned on the boy's features as his eyes met the colorful woman's own.
He took a seat before them, his hefty weight devouring his back limbs as it rolled to his haunches while he relaxed.
He furrowed his 'brows with a look of concern and guilt, he didn't want to hurt his father's feelings in any way, but he needed to speak for his own feelings as well.