
The Basic Necessities



9 Years
11-13-2016, 08:34 PM
ooc: Okay this is open to anyone, not just healers and we will be starting with basics.
- I will hold 1 rule for this thread, if you do not reply by the due date your post will be skipped and keep in mind if you do not have four replies to four of my posts you won't be able to claim skill points.
- Will be doing a minimal of four rounds!
- Due date for my next reply is Wednesday November 23rd

It was finally time to call together the training. It had been a few days since the meeting and Storm was finally ready for the training lesson. Up until today she wasn't sure how she felt since she was new to the pack and didn't know everyone she didn't know if she would be taken seriously or not, but she had to try. Who knows she may be pleasantly surprised by the turn out. She wanted to be sure she was doing things right, this was her first attempt at being apart of a pack and she wanted to do things right. Today though she found herself a little more excited and as she gathered together her herbs and took them to the spot she chose, she walked with a slight happy hop in her step.

She had started early this morning with carrying her herbs from her den to her spot, she had quite a few so it took her a few trips. Once this was completed she took the time to sort them and lay them out so that she knew which is which without shoving her nose into the bundles. It would save her time since she personally could not see them. She had enough in each bundle to hand out to whoever showed up so that they could look, feel, smell, and memorize what the herb was. Her large bundles may be too overkill, but it was how she originally learned back before she lost her sight. Once she felt she was ready she sat behind her bundles of herbs as Jack dropped the last of them off and perched in a tree above her.

Lifting her head the silver women let out a long calling howl, summoning anyone who would like to be at this session.

"Talk" "Blackjack" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times