
Silver Bullet to the Heart


06-20-2013, 10:13 PM

Her eyebrows gently rose and she softly snorted at the thought. "I wonder why some faes are like that, even not in heat. I suppose they feel it is the right way to act towards others." She gave a small smirk and her tail flicked behind her to the right, out of habit. Aeil pondered the idea of a regular female who wanted nothing but just the physical business with no strings attached. She couldn't understand why, but maybe it just depended on who the wolf was. As she thought of such things, the burning from her own body increased in its intensity. Her ears folded back against her skull and she shyly looked back to her long, swaying tail. She hoped it wasn't that obvious to Sema. The fact that she was yearning for her own male company wasn't helping.
While her mind was starting to center on the thoughts that came with her cycle, Sema started talking about Artemis. Having her speak of the huntress drilled those images out of her mind and she was grateful for it. Her gaze twinkled with a light shine and she nodded after Sema explained Artemis. "It sounds like she was a very powerful woman," Aeil observed. "Having what men wanted and knowing that she wouldn't give it to them." Her smirk became a true smile and she imagined a wolf above all wolves, who merely scoffed at the idea of losing her purity. "You must be really devoted to that oath, Sema..I don't think I could do it."
