
Forged in Fire



9 Years
11-14-2016, 02:30 AM

He could hear her bells chiming as she shook against his touch. He shuddered, exhaling in a slow and uneven breath. Knowing that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her was exhilarating. When her head lowered and pressed against the front of his chest he felt a jolt, and a powerful sensation came over him, his body craving to close any distances between them. He craned his neck so that he could drape his chin over the back of her neck, pulling her in closer for a moment. Temptation begged him to take her at that moment, but there were still words to be shared, and he had enough blood left in his brain to use it. He tilted his head back as her jaws reached gently for his throat, her tongue flicking out against his vulnerable flesh. When he heard the needy whine escape her, a pleased groan rumbled in his throat. Was she going to answer him, or leave him guessing? He wasn't sure he could hold back much longer, but he wanted to be absolutely positive that she wanted this as much as he did. He would hate to ruin the friendship they had grown, that he valued so dearly, even if it felt that could never happen. Doing this wouldn't break them apart, would it? Yet, somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that something would change if they went through with this. Finally she spoke, and though he felt he'd known it in the back of his mind, he still felt shocked by her desire, by what she was asking of him. She wanted him. Just him. She didn't want to be another of his side females. His claws grasped the ground to hold himself steady as she pulled away just enough to look at him, to meet his gaze. His silvery, blue-flecked eyes searched her duo-toned gaze, even as she pressed her forehead against his, staring into his eyes. Was that what she really wanted?

Xephyris could not deny her. He would not. Even as she flip-flopped between the idea of being his one and only, and being herself, the traveler that she was, he knew what he would need to do. She was asking him to never let their bonds go, no matter what happened. For him to quit his amorous ways, and ensure that he never cast her aside in favor of another. "You won't lose me," he murmured, kissing the side of her muzzle gently, "I won't let that happen. You've always held a special place in my heart, Jaelle. I'd do everything in my power to make sure you never hurt." His words came to halt, and he was glad he'd said all he needed to say. Now he was watching her looking him up and down, her bell-clad tail singing as it swung back and forth, her heat scent permeating the air around him. He was already drunk on her scent, but if it was possible, he felt even more intoxicated by her perfume as she stared at him. If he'd had any sensibilities left within him, it was gone to the wind now. A sharp inhale of breath was taken when Jaelle pressed the front of her chest against his with vigor, a shudder taking hold of his body. He smirked, closing his eyes as he felt her intensity grow while she growled and nipped at his cheek roughly, and he once again took in her inviting scent. She was doing it on purpose now, he knew for certain. There was no way he could or would fight it at this point. He had given in to the inevitable. He wanted her wholeheartedly, although whether he was just being greedy or not was yet to be determined. He knew he had always desired her, always found her undeniably beautiful, attractive beyond comprehension. Everything about her drew him to her, and now that she was before him, offering herself, he felt himself losing his mind, losing all control; yet it didn't feel wrong in any way. Perhaps he'd had his doubts in the beginning... but he knew this was right, and this was what he wanted.

The gypsy spoke one more time into his ear, and he growled in anticipation as the nails of her forepaw dug into the short hair of his foreleg. His eyes were still closed as he began to lean into her, and he stumbled somewhat as she backed away suddenly, taking several steps from him. Why had she moved? His ragged breath came rapidly as his eyes flared open, staring at her. Had she changed her mind at the last minute? Please no... His body shook as he stood back, watching her for a moment. No, she hadn't changed her mind... she was trying to grasp what little control she had left, to ensure that the decision they made now was not something either of them would regret. He knew he could not regret this. He moved toward her swiftly, closing the distance between them once more. He pressed his cheek against hers, before moving to shove the front of his chest against hers, his head turning so that his teeth could graze the nape of her neck, nipping and kissing her affectionately. "I want you so badly," he mumbled gruffly into her scruff, "I always have. I promise it will be for more than just this moment." Then his jaws would part, and seek to take hold of her scruff, while his body pivoted so that his chest could press against the side of her shoulder, his forepaws raising off the ground as he aimed to press his weight against her, hoping to gently bring her to the ground with him. He hoped to hear her charming bells cry out as he did so, and he looked to her face, hoping she would give in. He had no desire to pass the time too quickly, to just be done and over with this - he favored spending this time with her, taking things slow and easing her into it. "Just lay back and relax, beautiful," he murmured gently to her, "I'll take care of everything." His silver eyes, half-lidded, would wander over her face, his mind lost to all thoughts other than her. She was all he could focus on, and all that he wanted to think of. He wanted to feel every inch of her body, and he wanted to know that she felt the same electricity at each touch that he did - it would give him the ultimate thrill to make her feel that way; so patiently, slowly, he waited for her response as his weight pressed in to her.

~What could I do when she said, "I want you."~

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]