
The Sound Of Starting Over [Meeting]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-15-2016, 04:05 PM


It didn't take long for the first to arrive so quickly after her call. Afrit bounded towards her, a smile growing and plastering itself on her face as her daughter excitedly joined her. "Of course I'm proud of you for that, Afrit. You've beaten everyone here!" Her daughter was getting so big! Just like the rest of them...she wished they didn't have to grow up, but of course she couldn't control that. She would make sure to be there for them when they needed her, and love them until she died. She nuzzled Afrit before motioning for her to sit with her, amber gaze turning to her. "Keep your excitement sweetie, because I have a lot in store today. Especially for you and your siblings." She smiled, giving Afrit another touch of affection before her attention was drawn to Dragon. She laughed a bit at his comment towards his sister, and she was sure Afrit would be all for going on an adventure with her brother. She herself wanted to take each of them to give them some lessons outside of the territories, but she'd been so busy she hadn't gotten the chance. Charm came next, though she didn't seem happy. Avalon knew that some of her younger ones hadn't taken well to their father passing away, and it was a concept she didn't know if they understood or not. She had tried to explain as best as she could, but they were young still. In time she knew, they would eventually get the way the circle of life worked. She would also be sure to spend time with them, to help them heal and understand their world and the lives in it. She turned and leaned down to nuzzle and lick her smallest daughter. "Everything will be alright, little Charm." She murmured, trying to comfort her child.


Amachi was next, coming up to them with a comment towards Dragon who responded with a playful sticking out of his tongue. She stifled a giggle, glad that the two had forged some sort of bond during their time together. She hoped the members who remained would do the same, but it was not something she could force. Only time would tell after all. Okami came next, her albino daughter having grown as tall as she was, but she had the feeling that she would grow even more. She watched as her shy little snow angel went over to Afrit, a thought crossing her mind when Okami asked her sister a question. She would tell them during the meeting, she was sure they would be all for it too. After her, one of Esarosa's and Steel's pups came, seemingly looking at everything in wonder. This would be the first meeting for their litter, so no doubt they were excited. Enlil came, heading right up to Charm. She watched them for a moment, glad that all (or most) of her kids were wanting to do things together. Family was important after all, and time spent together was a good thing. One never knew when you would no longer get those chances. Soon, her brother would show up, and Avalon nodded to him while making a mental note to spend more time with him and teach him what she knew about their family. Also to let him know she had run into Oracle and Orica. Esarosa and her remaining pups would arrive, followed by Ganta and..."Oracle!" Speak of the devil. Her tail wagged, watching as her sister went to sit with their brother. Galahad would probably be confused right now, but in a few moments he would find out who she was. Avalon hadn't the chance to tell Oracle about Galahad's memory loss, and she didn't expect for her sister to show up either. Last were Steel, Greed, Gryphon and...Dragon's travel buddy, Kieryn. She hadn't missed Gryphon's approach towards her sister, so when he looked her way, she nodded to him. Indication it was alright for her to be here.

She waited another moment or two, forgetting for a moment that Liar had left with his other kids. Lykos had obviously decided not to show up, but she had to admit that for once she wasn't surprised. He had changed so much in such a short time, but she couldn't dwell on that. It was time to start.


This meeting was a very important one. One that would change things for the future. Her future, and theirs. Clearing her throat, she gazed upon the gathered for a moment before she began. "Thank you for coming, everyone. As you may have noticed, there are several not among us. Liar has left with some of his children, as did Valentina and Kharnage. And...of course, I am sure many of you are aware already...Vereux passed away. While many of you didn't know him very well, I would like to ask that we bow our heads in a moment of silence. He was Ivalice's only healer, however, the sickness that plagued him took his life well before his time." She would stop for a moment, her head bowing slightly as her gaze silently observed her children. She knew it wasn't easy on them, but he was in a better place now. After a few moments, she would raise her head. "In the place of loss, however, there is new hope. Please welcome the first litter of Esarosa and Steel; Jade, Cobalt, and Sterling, now near two seasons old. I would like for everyone to teach them about pack life, and everything else you can. Young ones are always a joy to have around, so I have no doubt the three of you will rise to find your places and be great wolves!" She looked towards them, smiling at the family.


"Also, I would like to announce a quite a few overdue promotions. Gryphon, you are now promoted to Ranger. You've done well in your training, and I expect you will continue to do well in your new rank. Esarosa, thank you for taking the time to train him. If the pair of you don't mind, I would like for you to coordinate a hunt, you may select whomever you wish to join, or call the pack together once you've decided what you wish to hunt. And are also promoted to Ranger. I've noticed you and your mate make an excellent team, so I'd like for you to join them if you wish." Of course, if he wanted a different rank, then she wouldn't mind giving him something else. She fell quiet for another moment, allowing them to take pride in their work and accomplishments, as well as to think about their new task. Of course, they would have plenty of time to think about it after as well. "Ganta, I would like to promote you to the rank of Brave. I am positive you will excel in this position, and that you'll learn all you can and pass it down to the younger ones." She nodded to him, adding a smile as she let that sink in for a moment. Now...she had many other promotions. Namely, the pups. Well...she guessed she couldn't call them that anymore now could she? They would all be a year very soon, with the exception of the three newest ones. "I have exciting news for our younger ones as well! We have many youths among us who will soon be yearlings in a few short weeks...or rather, most of them, anyway. That being said, I would like to promote Okami, Charm, Enlil, Afrit, Greed, Cobalt, Sterling, and Jade to the training ranks of novice. Mentors will be decided very soon, so for now, you will all participate in group activities together until Mentors are assigned so that you may also begin training with them." Her tail wagged then, her smile growing a little bigger as she glanced around at the soon to be yearlings.


Now then...promotions were out of the way. All except one, but she would save that for last. "Another bit of news as well. My sister Oracle is here among us today, she will be living with us as a new member! Please welcome her, it has been many years since we have seen each other," She nodded towards Oracle, smiling as she winked at her brother and sister. Oh how good it was to see them together again! "Now...onto more pressing matters. I'm sure many of you have noticed the scarcity in prey the past season, and with the number of mouths to feed, it has been increasingly harder to find sufficient prey to support us. So in an effort to find a solution, I sent Dragon off to find lands that might better support our growing family. Meaning all of you, so that we may survive the coming season of winter without worry. He has without fail, found a suitable place...however, it requires us to travel to the continent of Auster." Now...she was going to get to the matter at hand. The one she has thought long and hard about, and felt that it was now time.

"I have thought long and hard for the past season or two, and I must admit...I am growing older. I would like to announce, that Dragon will be leading us to these new lands as the new Alpha of Ivalice. It is not a decision I made lightly, but one I've thought about for some time. I have enjoyed leading you all, but it is time for me to step down. My purpose was to raise our home from the ground, and after a year of doing so, I feel that it is time to pass the reigns to a fresher mind. I have no doubts that he will lead us well. Do not worry though, I will remain among you to help where I can. This decision was also made so I can spend more time with my children, so as of today, I will be retiring." There. She said it. And she had no regrets about her decision. She knew Dragon would do his best, and that he would be a great leader. It ran in the Ancora blood after all. With that said, she stepped aside so Dragon could take a place beside her so that he could say his part. It was going to be a new turn in life, one that she would take in stride.

OOC: Dragon will post next, then posting order after that is not required. 2nd round posts will be due, however, so try to get those done asap if a character has any questions for avalon or Dragon then I will post again in between to answer if necessary. Otherwise, if your character has nothing to add then no worries.
2nd rounds due by next Tuesday (22nd).
"Talk" "You" Think


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