
Even so, come



7 Years
11-14-2016, 02:37 AM

Amalia smiled as she watched him scarf down the fish like he had been fasting for days. It was pretty cute, just how hungry he always seemed to be. Already he was towering over her and not quite full grown yet. He was going to be a big boy, there was no doubt about it. She nodded slowly when he spoke of his brother being distant, there were so many personalities in the world and sometimes they just didn't mesh with the wolves that they were close to. A mind was a mind, and a wolf was their own. It was hard to predict if there was a rotten egg in the bunch. He asked if Greed could come around, and after a brief pause she nodded her head. "My sons have always come and gone from our lives, but they always seem to come home. I don't doubt that Greed will realize how selfish he is being, but it probably won't happen over night. It could take years, Vadim, you just have to be patient with him."

She was touched at his next words, she was supposed to be a healer in many senses of the word. Not too many wolves sought her out for advice, but she gave it pretty freely. When he asked if she was staying the night, she peeked up to see that the sun was already starting to decline. Even if she left now, it would be well past dark by the time she made it home. Looking back at the gray boy, she nodded her head slowly. "If Avalon doesn't mind, I certainly would like to spend the night. I didn't even realize what time it was, I might just freeze if I don't take off running now," she said with a soft laugh, shivering partly for show. He offered staying elsewhere, and the woman shrugged her tiny shoulders. "I will leave my fate in your paws, Vadim. We can do whatever you wish, I'm just along for the ride, mostly."

Art by Sin