
Everything will be alright



9 Years
11-14-2016, 04:44 AM

A hearty laugh escaped the man as Memphis came bounding out after he called to the girls, Saffron moseying out more slowly. His ears tilted toward Memphis as she told a story about how she got a thorn in her paw, and Armai helped her with it. He smiled, glad to hear that his daughter had met the healer when she was in need, and that Armai had followed through kindly. "That's great, little one," he murmured with a chuckle, leaning down to nuzzle the pup before she took a flying leap at him. Her little body bashed into his side, and he laughed with a grunt as he pretended to get knocked back. He smirked as her sister came bounding over, asking her what she was doing. He had to admit, it was rather brave of the girl. Before he could address the girl's blossoming fighting spirit, Saffron was asking if it was time to eat. Another laugh escaped him. The two girls never seemed to stop chattering or asking questions, and it was great. "Yes, we're going to eat soon," he assured her, flicking his tail.

He moved away from the pups slightly, looking across the beach. He knew they were a long ways from learning to hunt, but he wanted to show them, to get them started on the concept anyways. There was no harm in starting early, even though they wouldn't be fast enough or accurate enough to catch anything - they could still watch and learn. "I want to show you what it's like to hunt," he told them, silver eyes glancing to the girls, "We'll go far to find something just right, so let's get moving." He started to pad away over the sand, expecting them to follow him - he knew they'd probably get distracted along the way, but that was all a part of the adventure. They were still so young, and their attention span would be expectedly short. As long as they all had a good time, and he felt like they were learning new things each step along the way, he would be satisfied with their outing.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]