
you were all i ever longed for



8 Years
11-14-2016, 01:38 PM

Crazy. It certainly hadn't been the first time she'd been considered a bit eccentric and it certainly wouldn't be the last. She took pride it stepping outside the normal guidelines of "proper" behavior. She liked making things wild, troublesome, and most of all fun. What was the point of living if you couldn't enjoy yourself? She said what she wanted, did what she pleased, and overall was very much a giant child more times than not. She accepted the term crazy as a compliment.

For once in her life no witty or sarcastic remarks came to mind. She was just left dumbstruck and gaping as realization slowly dawned on her. How was this even possible? She'd come here for a new start and yet here her past was to haunt her. She hadn't even known that any of them were still alive and yet his scent and tall lengthy form was certainly recognizable. She highly doubted her mind was playing tricks on her. What the hell was he doing here and if he was here did that mean Caelum was as well? Her mood soured slightly at that thought.

"You.. you're dead,"

She rolled her eyes at this statement. She hadn't missed the way his body seemed to sag. Her own limbs seemed oddly out of place and not connected to her at all. She was still reeling with the fact that her old friend was here. Silver eyes watched him as he took a step forward and spoke again. She resisted to roll her eyes again and instead made a show of checking her own body out for a minute. She knew she was alive, she hadn't been anywhere near the pack that night - not until the aftermath, so there was no way she was dead. She looked back up at him and suppressed a wry smile.

"I don't know about you, but I feel pretty alive." Joking. That was the solution to all tense situations.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]