
faint of heart



8 Years
11-14-2016, 01:55 PM

Asha hadn't been able to accomplish much since her arrival in Abaven. There had been a meeting (the amount of wolves here was pretty impressive) and then she'd met a blind healer with similar colors to her own pelt. The woman's bird was the most interesting thing and at first she had believed that bird companions were a common thing on this strange continent. After Storm though she hadn't seen anyone else with one. Maybe it wasn't so common after all and it was just coincidence she'd ran into two wolves who happened to have one? It was something interesting to think about.

She left her den, eager to find something to do, but was depressed to see that all the snakes seemed to be holed up. Winter was surely on its way if the chill of each morning was anything to go by. She didn't mind it at all and instead embraced the changing of the seasons. Everything still seemed rather brown, dry, and bland. Maybe winter and spring would hold the promise of more precipitation?

With no serpents to terrorize she padded around to see who she could find. She had no friends so far, save for Bass, and she was finding her existence to be rather boring. She needed a new partner in crime! Of course she'd do her best to avoid something over-the-top stupid, like drowning a pup, but it didn't mean she was going to turn into some cautious old bat. She wasn't a complete buzzkill after all.

A scent soon reached her nostrils and she veered to follow it eagerly. She didn't know who it was but she was going to find out! She didn't see him at first, she'd been expecting an adult after all, but her metallic eyes finally rested on the small form of a pup. A kid! A grin tugged at her muzzle as she approached him.

"Hey there." She greeted him with a friendly tail wag. "Getting into any trouble yet?"

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]