
This world so cold


06-20-2013, 10:38 PM

?? ?Ithurial timmidly stepped through the snow, silently. This place so cold was her new home as of afew days ago. She didn't know how long ago, she'd been asleep most of the time. Mentaly exausted from the trauma and unable to fully rest due to horrific nightmares about that horrible demon comming back to tear her apart and eat her too. He nose hung low to the ground and her muscles were tense from the cold, stress had taken a toll on her small frail body thus reducing her to skin and bones.?

?? ? She lifted her eyes enough to see a white rabbit looking at her, it too looked petrified with fear and frozen in its tracks. She didn't want to eat, she just didn't feel like it so soon after the insedent. She just laid down and managed to coax it closer. She liked the look of it's fur. Reminded her of her mother's soft and creamy white with afew splotches of tans and grey. Soon the rabit realized how close it was to a predator and ran away, leaving the yearling alone once more.?

?? ? This cold world was her new home, but it didn't feel like home. Most the other wolves scared her to death, especialy the white ones. Her tail remained tucked between her legs at every noise and she never spoke above a quiet wisper. She never looked anyone in the eyes ever again, and all confidance was crushed out of the young wolf that day she lost her mother.
