
Chasing shallow dreams



6 Years

11-14-2016, 09:55 PM
*Navigation - Kennocha Lake

Jaelle was pretty sure that she hadn't stopped blushing since the night that Xephyris had tracked her down in the oak forest. She hadn't gone back to Vyper just yet, afraid to run into Soliel. There was a seed of guilt in her belly for betraying the pale coated woman, but it had been an explosion of heat and oh so many emotions. Her tail swished behind her as her bells rang softly, her heat scent still lingering on her monochrome form. With a big sigh, she started to make her way back to the pack lands. She had promised that she would try to be there, and she had yet to meet her silver knights two daughters. It would be rude to not introduce herself, but there was still the question of what she was to the alpha. 'Mate' wasn't something that she could place on them, that required chains and her staying around forever. She couldn't do that, give up her freedom to explore the lands of Ardent. But what of him? Was he going to expect more from her now? Quickly shaking her head, she dug her nose into the scarf around her neck as warmth rushed up to her cheeks. She was thinking far too much on it, and with a snort she pushed everything aside. It wasn't hard when she stepped on the frozen lake, gazing down at her paw to see it glowing from underneath. Taking a pause, she leaned down to sniff at the ice, her brown and blue eyes wide as she eyed the blue glow. What on earth was that? It had no smell, and she was smart enough to not lick solid ice with her damp tongue. With a large grin she jumped a few feet in front of her, and as she landed the snow and ice at her paws lit up with the same glow as before. Letting out a wild giggle, she jumped again to do the same thing. Flopping over to her back, she rolled around as the light washed across her coat. Her bells chimed loudly as she spun on the lake, gleeful laughs pouring out of her maw. This was so amazing! Why hadn't she seen this before!?

After she had tired of rolling around, she rose to her paws and didn't bother shaking the snow that clung to her mottled coat. The bangles on her legs clattered as she stepped towards the outer rim of the frozen body of water. It was then that she saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye, glancing over to see Xeph moving across the open plain. She glanced at the lights that danced under his paws with ever move, seeing that his head was lowered. Her head canted to one side, a worried glance crossing her features. Raising a single paw, she took a step towards him and then hesitated. Did he even want to talk to her? They hadn't spoken since... then, and she was unsure if she would make things better on him. But his slow steps made her let out a sigh, her mind made up. Gracefully she danced towards him, her bells marking every step with a soft jingle. Her pelt was nearly white on top from the white powder that clung to her, her brows drawn in her hesitant mood. "Xeph," she called softly, a honey kissed whisper on the wind as she grew closer to his form. Her expression said it all, she was worried about him and wondering what was going on. The way his shoulders hung she could just tell that there was something on his mind. They hadn't spoken much, and she wondered if it was her fault that he was this way.

Quickly closing the distance, she did her best to not spread the scent of her season all around him again. That was the main reason why she had been slightly distant, waiting for winter to come and clear away her hormones. But now was not the time to turn tail and run. Aiming to rub her cold nose across his neck, rubbing the top of her head under his chin if he allowed. It was an affectionate greeting, but she saw no other way of doing so. She wasn't going to stand there awkwardly. In fact, it was rather surprising that she had gotten this far on ice without landing on her butt. Humming a soft, low note, she pulled back to study his face. Nothing else left her maw, there was no need to say anything. It was also partly because she didn't know what to say, or how to strike up a conversation. Jaelle wanted to apologize, to see if he was angry with her for being away. But that had been their relationship before, why would one magical night together change that? Her face flushed at the thought, her eyes half closed as she blinked at him. There was no tension in her body, and she aimed to gently bump her shoulder on his own. Feeling odd not saying anything, she cracked a small smile as the tip of her tail stirred. "Hey," came her mumbled answer, a bit of a laugh bubbling up in her throat. She didn't want this to be strange and awkward, Jae didn't want anything to be different at all.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.