
in a different place



10 Years
Extra large
11-14-2016, 09:59 PM
Perhaps someday he might make it to the top. The journey could very well kill a wolf, as it could nearly have done today, and they hadn't even reached the peak. Aki wouldn't be too disappointed if he died without ever making it to the top, though he sure would try again before that day came.

He grinned at her words, pleased. His tail batting against the rock he sat on was proof of his contentment.   "I think the best way to die would be something like that, too," the brute agreed readily. He had no issue talking about such somber subjects, ones that might make others uncomfortable. Death was, after all, simply a part of life. Not something to be feared, or hide from, though it wasn't something anyone should go begging for either. Thoughts of his own mortality had been more frequent as of late. Unlike Faite, he was well into his life now.. he likely had years left in him, but how many he couldn't be sure. He shrugged his wide shoulders.   "I'm glad you liked it, and I'm glad you joined me."  Truly, he was. Faite definitely was someone he considered a friend now.

For now, though.. rest sounded in order. Ideally he'd like to make it to the bottom but he wasn't sure if he'd made it back before needing to sleep a bit. A happy sigh fell from his lips.   "Well, this old man needs to take a nap,"  he said with a chuckle - almost immediately fighting the urge to roll his eyes at how he spoke. Since when did he refer to himself as old? He wasn't really that old, though compared to her he certainly was.   "And I don't expect you to wait for me to wake up to make your way back home."  He would be foolish to assume anything like that. He grinned at her as she stood, stretching out his limbs. "I do hope to see you again someday. If you don't mind me asking, whereabouts do you live? Near here?" He didn't mind knowing the general area he could find someone, if he found himself hoping for their presence again, and his ears flicked curiously as he eyed her.

table by argent/neffs