
Forged in Fire



6 Years

11-15-2016, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2016, 04:33 AM by Jaelle.)

His sounds of need mixed with hers, making it even harder to keep a stream of contentious thought. She wanted so desperately give into her feelings and just let him take her as she was, but there was a fear that was holding her back. Would this be it? Would they do this and then never talk about it, or just go back to how they used to be? She swallowed hard against everything rising up in her, trying to retain even a little piece of her sanctity. She needed to make sure that this wasn't make or break for them, that she wouldn't lose the only wolf that she had let so close to her heart. Jaelle felt like she was sleepwalking, a dream like trace that was impossible to pull out of. There was only the two of them, her thoughts of exploring the tall forest had completely left her mind. Xephyris took up her whole space of thinking, occupying every corner of her mind. Her breaths were growing ragged, rattling in her throat with every gasp. She was so tempted to toss talking to the wind and just get on with it, down to the good stuff. Her body screamed for some sort of release from her endless cycle of need. He promised that she wouldn't lose him, and she clung to his words with what sanity was left within her. His tender words made her heart swell even more, if it was at all possible. She didn't just physically want him now, but her heart ached to make him hers. A needy whine left her lips again, not even caring at the moment. Her lust was growing to the point where she didn't even want the rational thoughts that tried to awaken her sense. Just him, only him.

And then it was done, any words that she had left vanished right off her tongue as their chests collides. A burning passion that she had never felt before consumed her very soul, tingles shooting across her entire body at the feel of him against her. Since the day he had helped save her from the sickness, Jaelle knew that Xephyris was special. He may not be the most eye catching wolf, and it was pretty apparent that she liked pretty things. It was his mannerisms and how much fun she had at poking at his grumpy butt. But now, she saw nothing but a handsome, well muscled male before her who wanted her as much as she wanted him. A groan made her throat vibrate, his growls making her knees wobble below her. A mist seemed to cloak her mind, only pure instinct and prurience running her body. She had an itch that needed to be scratched, and there was no other wolf that she wanted more than the one before her. But she backed away when she realized that she didn't know where to go, this was a dance she didn't know all the steps to. Her base desires only took her so far, and there was only so much fumbling that the woman could put up with. So she eyed him with a burning passion alight in her blue and brown pools, egging him on by stirring her scent into the air. She may be one to flirt often, but being a seductress was not one of the metaphoric hats that she wore. He told her that he wanted her, and bad. The words made her form quiver with delight, her heart soaring in her chest. Lids closed halfway over her eyes, hooding them as she blinked slowly. She wanted him too, oh so badly. "Then come get me," she cooed, her gravely voice sounding unlike it normally did. This was a whole new Jaelle, galvanized by her season.

Jae watched carefully as he quickly closed the distance again, gasping as he made their chests meet once more. The heat was was rolling off of him was otherworldly, his teeth biting into her neck. Her head rose as her toes curled into the earth, her jaws parting as a soft moan left her maw. Her entire body was coated in little sparks of fire, shiver after shiver racing down her spine. Her breaths were uneven and shaky, a growl rumbling in her throat as she leaned down to nip at his ear and head, whatever skin she could gently pinch between her teeth. Her tongue reached out to caress the underside of his jaw, lapping at that and the side of his inky lips. When he rose himself up and pushed against her shoulder, she froze and supported herself, unsure of what he was doing. But then he told her to relax, softly guiding her to the ground below. Jaelle's right legs bent as she gently placed herself on the earth, flipping on her back so that she could gaze up at him. Her bells called out loudly as she did so, a contrast to their heated whispers. Jaelle nearly flinched as they sang out again as she turned to catch his eye, her bangles clamoring down her legs. She was met by his dapper face looking at her, and it nearly sucked the air right out of her lungs. Leaning towards him, she aimed to lightly touch her nose to his own, her forelegs stretching up to grasp around his neck. Her front paws tried to lock around each other so that she was holding him above her, wanting to feel the entirety of his body on hers. A back foot lifted up to tease her claws around his manhood, another growl bubbling up from deep within her. She was so taken by him, that a herd of caribou could stomp through now and she wouldn't tear her gaze from his. She searched his seemingly bottomless blue-flecked eyes, lost in the world that they were creating together. She wanted him now, but didn't want to rush the moment. Jaelle wanted to taste all of him, to feel everything about him. Her heart thumped against her rib cage, her rump wiggling where it rested. She could sit forever in this occasion, but at the same time craved the sweet release of their bodies clashing together as one.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.