
Chasing shallow dreams



6 Years

11-15-2016, 04:48 AM

When he asked what needed to be thought on, she fell silent for a moment and tore her gaze away from his. She tried to shrug her shoulders in a casual manner, but her bubbling emotions stopped her from moving at all. Swallowing hard, she looked back at him with an almost sheepish grin on her maw, a low laugh leaving her charcoal lips. "I can't stop thinking about that night... with you," she admitted in a hushed voice, searching his face to see if it was the same. She hadn't been able to get him off her mind since that night, not that she wanted to really... "That and plans for the winter, I don't think I will be doing too much traveling if the snow gets too bad. How would you feel about having me in Vyper for a whole season? I have to warn you though, I get awfully antsy," the woman teased, trying to let him know that she was still happy. The reason why she kept thinking back to that day was because of how special it was, and just how much of a lasting impression he had on her. It didn't last long though, as she was ready to play a game. All this talk could get boring, and even though she wanted to ask him what was on his mind she knew that they both needed to burn some energy.

As she slid, she managed to glance behind her to see that the gray man was doing the same thing, her head tossing back as she laughed without care. She could have done without the mouthful of snow, but the fits of giggles that followed were hard to get under control. That was, until he stood over her slightly and looked down, saying that it was getting rather cold. She shivered, but it wasn't the chill that had her body shaking. Leaning up slightly, she playfully tried to grab his ear and pull it downwards, guiding his head to where her scarf claimed most of her neck. It would be warm there, and she wanted to feel the heat of him on her coat. It probably would be a good idea to shake all the snow from their coats, but she didn't really care about that at the moment. As the flakes lazily drifted to the frozen lake below them, she washed them in light by beating her tail gently against the ice. The blue lights scattered with each thump of her tail, her bells singing out in a soft rhythm. As her mismatched eyes searched his, a tender smile took over her features. She was trying to not spread the scent of her heat, but it was hard to contain just how happy he made her. "Now, do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" she whispered, as if she was afraid that if she spoke too long she would break the spell. The lights below them lit up their coats, tinging both wolves with a delicate shade of blue. If he had rested his head on her, she aimed to softly groom his face and ears, her tongue licking off the snow that claimed his gray features. She hummed softly as she did so, allowing him all the time he needed to gather his thoughts. Even if he just wanted to lay here for a moment, she was okay with that.

Unable to stay still for too long, her head turned to the side and flopped against the ice. Looking out across the lake, she tried to see if there was a small group of trees or some sort of den that they could rest in. But it was a large arch that caught her eye, and she wondered if they would be able to hide from the cold there. Thinking for a moment, she did one more sweep to see if there was a better option. It was hard to see too far though, the light was growing dimmer and the glow below them didn't light up too much. They might have to just cross back over there, there was only that lone tree behind her where they rested now. Peeking back at Xephyris, she waited until he said what he wanted before she made her suggestion.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.