
Safe Return



7 Years

11-15-2016, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 03:33 PM by Lillianna.)
It still hurt to breathe. Every step was not quite a knife digging into her side and lungs, but it was almost to that level, especially as they drew closer to their destination. At least she could walk, though - she remembered the first nights, the first weeks where she just laid there, the intense pain causing her to lose any lucidity after mere moments. Blurs and flashes of agony was all she remembered from those early times, and the woman shuddered when she recalled it. Anything, everything was better than what had happened then. Had it not been for her intense luck with Vali running into her, Lillianna wasn't even certain that she'd have survived.

She faltered again, even as she spotted the territory in view. What... what would Bass do? What would Lark do? How angry would they be? She wondered if they thought she abandoned Abaven; surely not? She'd never made the inclination to do so, so that wouldn't happen... right?

A soft brush of a nose on her shoulder made her tip her head to the side to glance at Vali, the taller woman who had taken care of her during the time of hell, and made certain Lillie survived. And truly, the woman was a blessing; Lillianna was walking on all four legs, and rather stable, even with a slight limp resulting from the pain that still radiated from where her leg had broken.

She was finally at the border, and the red wolf took a deep breath. Tipping her head back, she let out a howl - a somewhat soft, wavering howl that requested the presence of the alpha of Abaven.

"Speech" "Language" "Farrym"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.