
Even so, come

Vadim I


3 Years

11-16-2016, 10:36 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2016, 10:40 AM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

As she showed interest in staying the night, he couldn't help the smile that spread across his maw in kind. He was adoring the idea of her staying for a visit, as their last had ended entirely too early. He was eager to spend the night with her, if not the next few days so long as she'd allow. Molten stare would cast a glance toward the direction of the mines, the boy falling silent as he contemplating the different possibilities that could happen when he brought her to Avalon seeking shelter. Slowly, his stare drifted back to her as he seemed to come to a decision, a look of guilt riddling his features and furrowing his 'brow dots closer together. "I almost feel bad asking anything of Avalon, I know she's not happy with my brothers and I, we keep breaking her rules. Not on purpose, but a rule that keeps us bound to the boringness of the pines and the mines is just.." He took a deep breath, cutting himself off short as a visible sigh left his chest to follow and he began lifting himself up from where he lay with the fish, shaking off any snow that latched on to his hide in the process. He grumbled lightly, nearly a grunt as a expressed from from his throat. "I can't say too much, she's certainly more experienced than someone who's not even royalty, like myself, but- the rule is hard for me to follow when I want to see it all." He shrugged, wrinkling his snout in half a smirk that was put on to express just how uncertain he was about it all.

His tail wiggled with the last bit of his shake and he stretched out, his upper body lowering across the partially frozen ground as his fat rolls accumulated along his neck beneath his heavy pelt and his rump remained in the air. When he came back up, he seemed to have a much brighter spirit about him. "Oh well, I don't imagine she'll have to put up with our family for too much longer- though, I don't feel right asking her for a favor at the moment. I wasn't thinking about it when I suggested it. What do you say we head to the caves for the night, the one I was in when we met?" He smiled, "Tomorrow, I can help you look for herbs! I'm sure it would be fun." His tail swayed behind him, thick in preparation from winter. He realized he may be denied now that he'd admitted he'd been breaking the laws of his pack, but there was a hopeful look in his eyes as he lowered his head to level below hers and let those vivid gems plead for him, wishing for her to say yes while he looked up to her.

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[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]