
Let the temptation begin!



4 Years
11-16-2016, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2016, 01:59 PM by Simber.)
Name: Eura [ee-yor-ah] (Meaning: Southeast Wind)
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Appearance:  Design 3 She has garnered a few scars, though: three claw rakes down her right rib cage and a slash on the left side of her neck that trails down the front of her scapula and down her foreleg. They are old wounds sustained on the day of the raid.
History:She doesnt remember much of that fateful day of the raid, but what she does know is: her family was broken up irrevocably, or at least, so she thought. During the attack, she sustained injuries from a belligerent, and for some reason, every survival instinct within her told her to play dead. She was basically just tossed to the side, holding her breath for lord knows how long, and bleeding.
Following the raid, she was exposed to lots of death and destruction, but she never once saw her mother or her father's body, so there was always a little spark of hope that they might meet again.
The brown-toned pup has lived a quiet life, and she was taken in by a nomadic pack that found her once she had managed to get up and wander away from the genocide, but she didnt make it far before collapsing. The mutilation of her family and the absolute grotesque horrors that she had seen haunted her for a long time, but the pack who took her in really helped her readjust and were very patient with her, which probably made all the difference in her development. They were kind to her, they fed her, kept her safe, and taught her how to take care of herself. She tried to keep the hope that at least one of her parents were alive, but with each passing day, the hope dwindled, and her loving parents became a sad memory.
When she turned 4, she decided to venture away from the nomads. She wasnt sure why she wanted to leave, but all she knew was that it felt right, and her adoptive family supported her decision to fly the nest. It was not a tearful goodbye, nor was it a hard one; and for that, she was eternally grateful. She did not need any more sad goodbyes.

Future plans: Not sure yet! I think having her and Caelum rekindle will be super good for her and will ultimately help determine some defining factors for her future.
I see her getting into loads of trouble by being sarcastic at the wrong time.
I also see her and Zephyr (HOPEFULLY) being super close and having awesome father-daughter time.
RP sample:

With late autumn nearly giving way to winter, the girl blended right in to the bland and decaying scenery. The ostentatious oranges and yellow hues that characterized the season were fading into tans and browns; a sepia gradient falling over the land. Eura, a menagerie of umbers and chocolates, moved as if she was made to be a part of this moment in time. The girl trotted as if she weighed nothing, every paw-fall barely made a sound as she traveled onwards.
Eura was without a destination, but she was not without purpose. She had chosen to leave the pack that had adopted her and now she was off; truly alone for the first time since...that day.
With a quick shake of her head, she brushed the thoughts aside. Positive! Be Positive! She had told herself that she was looking for answers, but in reality, little Eura barely knew the question.
She wanted to find her family, well, if she had any family. She wanted to find anyone who might recognize her. Anyone who could explain the events of that day to her.
She really just wanted to find, well, anyone.
Her ears pricked up, seafoam eyes scanning the ground which lay ahead. Part of her hoped that her journey wouldnt be long, but part of her yearned for the ambiguity. As long as she didnt know the answers, she could lie to herself. She could tell herself that he siblings somehow survived, that her mother and her father and her relatives were all safe, and that she had made a mistake by running to try and find help, and had ultimately separated herself from her pack, and that she would find them whole, safe and sound, and waiting to welcome her back.
Eura let out a soft snort, knowing that it was childish and ridiculous to carry such thoughts with her, but it was necessary at the same time. It kept her sane and hopeful, and thats all anybody really needs, right? Just a little bit of hope.

+ Eura will be a sweet little ball of stardust, a little naive at times, sure, but she will be endlessly optimistic and blindly trusting at times.
+ Never having a strong parental figure in her life will lead to her being immature emotionally and mentally
+ She can be shy and reserved at times
+ hates crowds, but also hates one-on-one interactions. She likes to have at least one person as a "buffer"
+ even though she is outwardly optimistic and happy, the traumas of her childhood still haunt her and she battles with night terrors, anxiety attacks, and some mild depression. She bottles this up, though, and it may lead to more serious psycological issues down the road if she doesnt learn how to deal with it
+ has trouble focusing on one task for too long
+ When put into unfavorable or anxiety inducing situations, she becomes emotionally unstable and lashes out-- major mood swings.

Why you want the character: I really love this story line and think that I will really be able to develop this girl :D
Other details or ideas:

- 35" and 119 lbs
- Fighter and Intellectual
-will be neutral good or chaotic good
-will have her father's sassy mouth, and will probably be a bit of an ass
-sarcastic and dry sense of humor
-but probably won't have any malevolent intentions
-has a temper, definitely has a temper, but it takes a lot to grind her into exposing it
[Image: Us6iFFu.png]