
Slow me down

Finch I


4 Years

11-16-2016, 04:17 PM
*Home turf - Serpent plains

She had been in the thickets when she heard the unexpected call of Tib, her head snapping up and away from the rabbit trail she was following. A flush rushed to her cheeks right away as she tried to collect her thoughts, and then she realized that she was wasting time. There was no doubt that her father had heard the call, and what if he decided to go and see who was calling for her. Crap! Crap, crap, no that wasn't good at all. Barking for Civetta, she took off at a sprint for the borders. As she neared she saw her fathers form disappear into his den, his scent trail coming right from where she had heard the taller male call. Dammit all, he had been there, hadn't he? Did he scare the Fiori wolf off? Swallowing hard, her salmon tongue hung out as she panted slightly from her run. Fear made her steps slower as she made her way to the border, letting out a soft sigh when she saw the slate man standing there. Noticing that his ears were back, she let out a sigh as she closed the distance between them. Her own mismatched ears flicked back slightly, and she daringly nuzzled her nose into his chest. Breathing in his scent, she felt her muscles relax as she sat in front of him, only a small distance between them. Peeking up at him in a bashful manner, she searched his cream marked face. "I'm glad my dad didn't scare you off. I'm so sorry he beat me here... what did he say to you?" she asked, only slightly breathless. It wasn't the run that had made her lose control though, but being this close to Tib. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and she looked over her shoulder in a self-contentious manner. Who else had heard his call? Would Lark come to investigate? Looking back at him, she wondered if they should go somewhere else to talk. It wouldn't be hard for them to be spotted, and her siblings were most often around here.


Art by Evelyn