
Safe Return



8 Years

11-16-2016, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 03:32 PM by Váli.)

The girl - Vali couldn't help but think of her as such - recovered remarkably well. She hadn't expected Lillianna to even live; how hectic it had been, those first few weeks, trying to make certain that the wolf didn't die on her. Fever, infection, malnutrition were all things they had to battle, and half of it Lillianna didn't even know about it.

It was, truly, a miracle that the girl survived... let alone be walking as well as she was, with nary a limp and breathing quite fine, if still tenderly. She'd make a full recovery, though that recovery would still be slow. It had been many, many weeks - almost two seasons, if Vali recalled, since the incident. Now she was in heat again, and another year older; it added on a new layer of misery that was just itching under her fur.

It didn't distract her from her duties, though. From the start, Vali had been there for Lillianna; she'd grown to learn a lot about the young woman. Certainly hotheaded and foolish about way too many things, but also surprisingly insecure and caring about those around her. She wouldn't say that they were the closest of friends, but the experiences between them would be something neither would forget in a long time, and there was an unforgettable bond that would never be broken between them. That Vali believed, wholeheartedly.

Vali smiled softly as her thoughts wandered, though she was quickly pulled back when Lillianna faltered. She was there in an instant, brushing her nose on the red woman's shoulder in a show of silent support. This was Lillianna's journey back, though it was hers as well. She didn't have any of the worries that Lillie did, for some reason. She was fully confident that even though their absence was undoubtedly noticed, they would be accepted back, after everything was explained. They just had to get there.

Finally, they were there, and Lillianna took initiative and aclled. Vali laughed softly, her own head tipping back to strengthen that call for Bass, and anyone else who would like to appear.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]