
Long Spiral Down



6 Years

11-17-2016, 08:01 PM

Faite was glad she didn't seem to be interrupting anything. In fact the woman seemed quite alright with coming to her instead. Faite hated feeling like she was inconveniencing the woman, but she'd pretty much ran out of options. Without Kavdaya around ... well there wasn't really anyone else she could go to. She made a mental note to find out where Kalliope had set up her den. She had no problem seeking out the healer in her own quarters if she ever needed her assistance once again.

Kalliope's brows lifting in surprise wasn't exactly what she'd been expecting when she explained her symptoms. She felt her teeth clenching without her meaning to and she tensed. Did that mean it was bad? Had she contracted what her mother had? Would it start off slow before killing her off after a long while of agonizing torture? Her brain jumped to the worst possibilities and conclusions. She was so deep in thought that she almost didn't hear her.

"Well, um, how do I say this..."

Well that sounded bad

At least it had until the other woman chuckled. Now she was just simply confused. What on earth? Surely no serious ailment was funny? Nerves racked her body and then ... "If your symptoms and scent have anything to say about it, I'd say you're pregnant, Faite." If Faite had been stumped before that was nothing compared to now. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched in her throat. Pregnant?! There was no way ... no, it couldn't be, could it?

"I mean, as long as you've had sex recently. I could be wrong if you hadn't."

She was about to open her mouth, to tell her no, when she clicked her mouth shut again. She thought back to that night in the cave with Zell and she felt the heat rising to her face. She hadn't thought much of the encounter after she'd left the male, but now it raced through her mind. She felt incredibly stupid now. How could she have not known until now. She was rendered speechless for a moment before she finally managed to halfway pull her thoughts together.

"I ... uh, wow." She paused, still somewhat at a loss. "I definitely wasn't expecting this."

She'd always thought about settling down with someone and having kids; however, this wasn't exactly how she pictured it going. It worried her now more than ever. She wasn't dying from some awfully slow torturous disease but she might as well have been. She had to tell Zell now and there was no telling if he'd want to be a part of the kids lives, much less ever see him again for that matter. Then there was her family to break the news to. She shuddered inwardly at the thought. What would happened when Regulus came back? How was she supposed to tell him ... god that would be so awkward.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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