
Paradox up for adoption



2 Years
11-17-2016, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2016, 10:37 AM by Faelyn.)
Appearance: She's a ghost in appearance. Her fur is pale, lacking any coloration, and it somewhat irritates her as it makes it impossible for her to sneak around. It serves, though, and she keeps it pristine because to dirty herself is to make herself look less. That is something she cannot allow, and so while she isn't opposed to getting dirty she is opposed to anyone else seeing her that way. The only spot of color she has on her is the pure darkness of her nose and the brilliant sparkle of her pale blue eyes.

They often have a look of boredom or irritation in them, with happiness being extremely rare. If she is happy, it's probably at someone else's expense, so you probably don't want to see it. She also holds herself quite proudly, head and tail erect or at least at middling height. It takes a special sort of person to get her to submit, unless she realizes it's for the best not to stir anything up.

If she's not wandering around proudly or sneakily, then perhaps she's trying her hand at seduction. She has a lithe build, not one built for fighting but for speed, and that allows her to get away with looking feminine as she pleases.

Personality: Getting to Arcania's true personality can be difficult at times. In reality, she's very cold, almost to the point of being cruel. Power and respect are the only things that matter to her. She doesn't have or need friends, she has minions. Pawns she can play and send where she pleases. The only people she keeps around are those who somehow impress her or are able to help her in some way. Weaklings she has no time for. It's likely that she won't even bother to pretend to get along with someone she deems to be weak. In her mind, maybe being rude will get him or her to toughen up a little bit.

Perfection is important to her. There's no way she can end up in a position of power if she isn't perfect, or at least gives the illusion of being so. Failures come at a heavy cost with her, and she will be angry about them for quite some time. For someone else to fail her is an inexcusable offense. One would be lucky to get a second chance, or just to have her walk away without doing something bad. For her to get anywhere in life, she needs to be able to do things well, and if she orders someone else to do something, she expects it to be done right.

Needless to say, kindness isn't really a feature she has. Joy is not a feeling she experiences, and someone is more likely to have her be rude than even remotely civil. The only time she even comes close to being nice is when someone impresses her, or she is putting on an act. Usually the two are synonymous.

If she needs something from someone, she has no qualms about doing or saying whatever she needs to in order to get it. She'll beg, barter, steal, fight, scream, and cry if she needs to, but chances are good it isn't what she really feels. She's become a master manipulator over the years, and those skills are always put to good use. Nothing Arcania does is without reason, and it generally behooves people who deal with her to figure out what that reason is.

Now, if someone actually impresses her it's a different story. Perhaps he or she is similarly dark-minded, or can play her games just as well as she can. Maybe her illusion is seen through, or the person simply refuses to be led around like most of the other people she's used to. There are a myriad of possibilities, but that is the only time one is likely to see who she truly is. She might actually be tolerable at that point, if only because she'll quit being openly antagonistic. Those people are few and far between however, and they're highly regarded whenever she does find them. To those people she could be called loyal, mostly because they are so rare. She's willing to help them, especially if they happen to prove to be stronger than her in some way. Authority figures have to earn her respect, but these people have it already and it's freely given. They are, to say the least, the only exception to the rule.

When it comes to love, that's not a thing she really believes in. She also doesn't see a point to it if it does exist. For her to care about someone, they either have to be similar to her, or someone who is willing to do anything she says. Hero worship would make her care about someone. Despite her pickiness about that, she isn't at all picky about one's gender. In fact, she really doesn't care. It's hard enough finding anyone to fit the first criteria that she doesn't worry too much about it. She also really loves messing with people, so she wouldn't mind aimlessly flirting for no apparent reason. Beware, however, for it might not be true.

Why was she gone?: (I tried looking at Enigma and Forsaken's profile for more detail on the history and couldn't find it so this is a best guess as to what happened~ )
When the siege happened, she got separated from the family, and during the time realized that she wanted to spend some time on her own in order to further herself and become stronger and smarter away from their watchful eye. She wanted to gather some pawns for herself, and couldn't do that when they all belonged to her father. They wouldn't listen to her, only him, even though she was next in line. Eventually she would return a year later when she was ready, unaware that the time of her reign had come during her father's death and ready to take the throne from him.

RP Sample: Arcania roamed quite often, and this place seemed soothing to her. Darkness shrouded her very soul, and in this mist-fogged place it was outside of her as well, as though her spirit had filled the land and she now had control over all of it. She didn't, of course, and was reminded as such every time she stepped into water or mud and splattered herself, but otherwise the illusion stood.

Her path took her on a meandering path through the marsh, silence surrounding her except for an eerie swoop of wind on occasion. At least, the silence remained until she reached a drier portion of the land and began to hear what she could only describe as whispers. What was this? Arcania paused, her ears swiveling in all directions as she tried to locate the source of the noises. Was she surrounded by some sort of pack? She hadn't picked up on any sort of scent borders, but perhaps she had tresspassed...

Then the fog shifted and she realized there was no one around her. She was truly alone, and yet she heard voices. Had she gone insane finally?

Chaulking it up as a trick of the wind, Arcania continued. She didn't get far before the fog stirred once more, and a spectral figure stepped from it. It only took her a moment to place the woman, and she rolled her eyes at the ghost. "Ah, Takla, back from the dead are we? What're you going to do, say boo?"

The ghostly woman's eyes narrowed in mild irritation. "I wish I could slit your throat right now, you murderer," she said. "I hope you drown in this place."

"Going to push me in are you?" Arcania asked, stepping through the woman as she continued on her way, speaking anyway for she was certain the woman would follow her. "You were weak Takla, weak and sickly. So much so that you didn't even notice your meal was poisoned. I didn't murder you, I put you out of your misery."

"You had no right!" Takla growled, speaking right in Arcania's ear as she kept pace easily, drifting over the land without need to watch where she was going. "And now I can finally confront you."

"Whatever you like, I fear nothing from you," Arcania said offhandedly. What could a ghost do to her? Nothing! She'd spoken nothing but the truth either, surprising even though she had no need to tell the truth to this spirit. She thought her actions entirely justified for the betterment of the pack. "Others were relieved after you died, you know. Relieved that you weren't a burden on the pack anymore. Of course, they kept spouting on about 'being in a better place' but we all knew it was a cover story most of the time. If you want to be angry at anyone, take it up with them."

"They weren't the ones who killed me," Takla replied, though she sounded somewhat shaken.

"Hmm, who knew ghosts were broken records," Arcania muttered. "Look, do you want an apology? Because you aren't getting one, so shoo if that's the case," she said, turning her head and flicking her tail through the spirit, causing her to dissipate for a moment before she could gather herself back together.

"You'll regret not being sorry," Takla said darkly before she dissipated once more. Arcania waited a long moment, expecting something to happen or the woman to disappear. When neither happened, she shrugged slightly and continued on, finding herself at the edge of the marsh.

"Good luck with that Takla," she said softly. "I don't fear you. Never have. You should have known better. Go haunt someone else that actually cares." With that, she turned and left the marsh, putting all thoughts of the encounter behind her for now. Must have been a strange fluke