
give me forever for a while[PACK CHALLENGE]



12 Years
Extra large
11-17-2016, 11:56 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

His counter attack for Liar's eyes fell short of his hopes; Liar's teeth found their mark just above the point of his right front elbow, the canines digging ragged, moderate to severe lacerations into the area and staining the crimson fur with a darker red of his own blood. The tendon was nicked by one of those teeth, but he thought, in a quicksilver moment of attention to the injury, that he would be able to use the leg once all was said and done. Kavdaya would be able to tell him more clearly how bad it was. But he was pretty sure he'd be able to at least walk on it.

His bid for Liar's eyes fell short as Liar moved away; though it did land, and his jaws found purchase on Liar's right cheek. He sought to take brief advantage of this grip, attempting to give his head a violent shake, seeking to worsen the wound dealt before releasing his grip and tucking his chin back over his throat, jaws remaining slightly parted, silent snarl in place around still narrowed, chilled sapphire eyes.

His slam was successful, though Liar used it to shift their angle to near parallel, Liar's left side closer to Regulus' right side, though at a slight angle; shoulders closest together, rumps further apart. The slam left Regulus with a moderate bruise across the front of his chest. He ignored the pains and aches, the icy fire still coiling through his veins, mixing with the adrenaline thrumming through his frame, providing the energy and balm he needed to push on with fervor.

He caught sight of Liar's slight lowering and sought to move fast, - elbows and hocks bent to allow smoother, quicker movement as well as a lower center of gravity - seeking to pivot on is left fore-paw and shift his hind end to his own left in a quick, two hop bound, wishing to bring them swiftly into a rough face to face angle as he sought to drop sharply on the second hop, low to the ground, belly almost brushing the soil as he sought to support his weight in his squared haunches and left front leg - favoring his right foreleg to avoid damaging it further -, wanting to come in much lower than Liar, roughly chest height on the exotically marked male.

Regulus sought to lunge forward and upward from beneath Liar, just as Liar went for his bite - causing the exotic male's teeth to snap harmlessly on air just above Regulus's ears - twisting his head sharply up and to his right as his parted jaws sought a vicious hold on Liar's own throat, upper canines seeking to sink into the right side of Liar's throat, just behind his lower jaw, while his lower canines sought a similar placement on the left side of the tan throat.

His hind legs provided the thrust, hind claws digging into the ground for that added bit of traction and toes spread apart to further the propulsion and balance. He wanted to make this wolf bleed; to weaken him throughout the rest of the fight. Thus he meant to at least leave savage injuries in the wake of his teeth, and at most rip a hole in the jugular.

His shoulders rolled forward over the base of his neck, ears flat to his skull, his hackles remaining raised to their full extent down his back. His scruff was rolled into its defensive layer of protection by the awkward nature of his attack, his abdomen tightened to provide an extra bit of balance while his tail swept just above the ground, sending dust flying, though he was too low to really use the appendage for extra balance.

As he lunged, he sought to put as much force into the attack as he could, wanting to his left front paw snapping forward, his hind legs taking his weight as he sought to hook his left front paw around the outer side of the primary (Carpus) joint of Liar's right foreleg, wanting to jerk it forward and out from under him, intending to shake his balance. All the while, true to his mother and grandmother, and his great uncle Cormalin, he never once snarled, grunted, or hissed in pain, letting Liar make all the noise. He was reserving himself, concentrating.

The fight was far from finished, and he intended to wear his opponent down to the bone like he did to the deer he hunted. If Liar died shortly after, Regulus would have no remorse for it. The male had come to harm his home by seeking to steal it, and the smirk Regulus had caught on the males face told him the lack of care Liar had for the lives he intended to ruin. If Liar somehow won, there was no way any of the family in Celestial would want anything to do with him; in fact, no doubt some would want his head on a platter.

Overhead, the sky seemed to be preparing for its own battle; the sky darkened, black clouds that had been skulking on the horizon rolling in like the gods had come to see the fight. The wind picked up, howling across the field, the song pierced by the first real rumbles of thunder. Lightning flickered through the roiling black mass of clouds, and a cold, wet smell promised a torrent of rain forthcoming.

Fight Stats

Regulus Adravendi vs Liar for Celestial
Round Three of Six

Defenses: ...
Attacks: ...
OOC Notes: Due to lack of stating how severe the damage dealt by Liar's bite to the elbow was, I decided the severity. Halfway there! :D Doing great so far, Riv ^^

[Image: T8yHvja.png]