
Buried In These Walls



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-18-2016, 03:28 AM

It was the day after the meeting. A few days before they would be leaving to new lands. Winter was fast approaching, and time was of the essence. The last season or two had been hard, and he imagined that winter would be that much harder with the lack of prey during the colder months. He wanted to seek out his brother, to see what he thought of it all. He didn't want to feel hated, not that he felt Gryphon would but...he also missed spending time with his sibling. Truth be told, he hadn't expected any of it until he had returned from the journey his mother had asked him to go on. He wasn't sure if his mom had told anyone about what was going to happen, about what she had decided. No doubt it came as a surprise to everyone at the meeting, or most of them anyway. She trusted very few nowadays, except for him and Gryphon and...maybe a very select few. If she even did beyond her immediate family. He knew about Lykos, and had decided to place his brother in a rank a little less...prison-y. He hasn't really seen Lykos around either to talk to him, maybe just catching his scent here and there but his broody brother always seemed to avoid everyone. Why? He didn't know. Nobody besides his own family was aware of his position. Sighing, the young alpha sought out his brother for some time to spend with him, and perhaps even some guidance. While he himself probably wasn't the best right now, he needed to see if he had any support to try and at least show them that he could do it. Or like he said, if he failed, then his mother would resume control if not pass it on to one of his other siblings.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.