
Safe Return



7 Years
Extra large

11-18-2016, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2016, 10:01 AM by Lark.)
The call was not specifically for him, but he had no intentions of ignoring it. The day was crisp and clear, and the sound rang out far across the lands - Lillie was home. The feeling that suddenly washed over him was... difficult to place. Dread weighed down heavy on his heart, mixed with a feeling of relief, of anger and uncertainty and sadness and joy all at the same time. He had just barely, finally, come to terms with his feelings about her.. well, more with the fact that he had some kind of feelings, even if he wasn't quite sure how to express it or what he wanted from it.

And then she left him.

He'd been angry about it for awhile, though he hadn't really showed it much other than his usual sulking. Showing that he was so upset about her absence would've only prompted further questions. He didn't feel like talking much lately, especially not about her and about her leaving. It hurt too much, and even admitting that was difficult. He wasn't used to having such intense feelings, not for anyone, and especially not for her.

He fought back a groan as he pulled himself upright. Seriously, where the hell had she been? He hoped she had a good excuse - but really, would any excuse make him feel better? Slowly, without hurrying at all, he made his way to where she stood. He recognized the girl that stood beside her, from a distance, and his face tightened. He didn't want to give her to satisfaction of seeing that he'd missed her, or that he'd been worried about her.. and honestly, he wanted his father to handle this first. Lark was silent as he came to a halt at a far distance from them, lips pursed as he sat and waited.