
I'll love you to the day I die



7 Years
11-19-2016, 02:19 AM

She looked between the large boy and her mate, russet head tossing back and forth. She was hesitant when he brought up the girl being from a different pack, she wanted to keep her family close and they knew that. But from the way her big, strong boy was blushing like a teenager he knew that he cared for Finch a lot. When Athena spoke, she found herself nodding her head along with what her mate said. Abaven wasn’t too far away after all, there were only a few lands that lay between the two. The silver woman said that they would visit a lot, and said that he would have to visit them too. A small whine left the tiny woman’s lips as she eyed her boy, all grown up and big now. Her big blue eyes misted slightly as she rushed forward, avoiding his embarrassment as he said so slow down. Nuzzling into his chest, she buried herself in his plush fur. "Oh darling, there is obviously something there like your mother said. She is a cutie too, would it be too soon to bring her here to meet your family? I would love to meet her and actually talk to her!" And gush over her, obviously. Looking to her girls who were sitting there listening to them, she giggled and walked over to lick Diana on the top of her head. "I am sure your sisters would love to meet her too, right? Especially if she is going to make them aunties!" The thought of having more babies around was enough to get her going, her whole body shaking as she sat between her little girls. She eyed them fiercely for a moment, blinking at the two little ones who were not allowed to grow up. "That goes for you two as well, though. No dating until you have a mate! You’re not allowed to leave your mothers,"

When Tib asked what would happen if she didn’t like him, she looked over and scoffed slightly. "I bet she does, my love. You are such a sweet, kind and understanding man, I have no doubt that she is already head over heels for you!" Honestly Amalia was quite stunned that none of their boys had been snatched up already, they were all such lookers too. Was it because she had been too clingy and insisted that they all stay close to home? She swallowed hard, her ears falling wayward for a moment. Quickly pushing it away, the tiny woman perked right back up and eyed Tib, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Talk" "You" Think