
White Wedding



13+ Years
Extra large
06-21-2013, 10:04 AM

The black mare paced to and fro, ears flat as she fought her prey instincts. The wolves of Valhalla were her family, but the Seracian wolves? What if they tried to hunt her? And started a war? Over a horse? She stamped a hoof, then turned. Pacing wasn?t going to solve anything. Taking of at a trot, she made her way through the Territory to the border, where the songs had come from.

Cormalin had done interesting things with her mane and tail, and had groomed her as well as a wolf without a curry comb or bush could. Her tail had been picked free of brambles and twigs, but he could do nothing about her tangled mane. The ropy locks wo0uld remain this way until the loose hairs that had made her mane particularly long caught on something and the mats were pulled free. It would shorted her mane when it happened, but it?d grow back. She had lost the show horse?s picky personality about her appearance. It wasn?t practical in a place without humans.

She took off at a gallop, breaking from the trot. She was late. She had made Cormalin late, too. So she weaved along the paths and trails at a sure speed, tail and mane flying, feathers flowing around her hooves, and snow popping away from her hooves in hoof print shaped clumps to land behind her.

She came into the group, sliding to a halt before she could accidentally plow into any wolves, and stood a moment, forcing her anxiety back. This was a good meeting. Apparently, a wedding was a union of love, and Epiphron would be happy with the Prince of Seracia, from what Erani had said. Eras flicking back and forth, she made her way through the crowd to Cormalin, carefully setting her hooves and watching her feet so as to avoid trodding on tails and toes. Reaching Cormalin, she stood beside him and Erani, blue eyes looking about at all the wolves.