
Safe Return



7 Years

11-19-2016, 02:32 AM

If he was being honest, he didn’t think that Lillianna or Vali would be returning. So many wolves had come in and out of his life -- mostly out. If he tore out his heart every time, he would long be dead at this point. While he had been looking for them for a bit, he gave up after a week. He was just a wolf who was destined to be alone, besides his children. A somber sigh left his lips as he laid on top of her den, his tail tip flickering where it rested by his nose. But by some sick twist of fate, Lillie’s call echoed over the plains. His head snapped up, and soon Vali’s joined in. His brows rose towards the heavens, he stayed where he was for a few moments to see if it was really something that he had just conjured up, or real. Several heartbeats later the last whispers of the calls reached his ears, and he knew that they had to be real. Leaping off the rocks, he took off before his hind legs fully touched the earth. It didn’t take him too long to reach the borders, his golden eyes cutting towards his left to see that Lark was sitting a fair distance away. He slowed and opened his mouth to ask him what he was doing, but remembered what they had looked like at the meeting before last. Snapping his jaws shut, he looked over to where the two women stood waiting for him. Lark was upset, and rightly so. Letting out a soft sigh, he brushed his nose across the man’s shoulder if he allowed it. He could come up when he was ready.

Carefully Bass closed the distance, as if he still thought that he was dreaming. Looking between the two, so many questions rose to the forefront of his mind. He was tempted to sit there and grill them, but he found himself making a beeline for Vali and softly brushing his chest against hers, his head lowering to wrap around hers if she let him. He was still and silent for a few moments before pulling back, sudden anger taking over his brown marked face. Vali had been one of his dearest friends since they were children, how could she just vanish on him like that? She above all other wolves knew how much it hurt him every day that Wren had upped and left them, making her disappearance that much more painful. His gaze cut towards Lillie, she had wounded his son in her sudden disappearance as well. But to see them back together? That was even more confusing. "Where the hell have you two been?" he finally asked, his voice sounding harsh even to his own ears. They flicked back against his head, his lips threatening to curl upwards. It was the searing pain that Vali had vanished that made him angry, covering up the pain of his nearly shattered heart. His narrowed eyes found hers again, his jaws clenching together with an audible grit. There had better be a damned good reason for this.

"Talk" "You" Think