
Can't Cover Up What You've Done



4 Years
11-19-2016, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2016, 05:46 PM by Eniko.)
*Navigation - Crystallum Cliffs

Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one.

He had made the mistake of wandering away from the lake, a bold choice without Phantom at his side. The prince was tired with staying hidden in the reeds like a weak child, his act of defiance only proving that perhaps he was one. A snort left his nose as he wandered through the rain, it was only a drizzle and not the downpour that had happened the days before. Before he knew it, Eniko was heading up a hint of an incline. His ears perked as he looked up, seeing the peak of a cliff up there. He was curious, his need to explore could no longer be pushed aside. He knew that it wasn’t wise with his asthma, but he hoped that the deceased temperature and rain would help keep his lungs happy. Wide yellow eyes glanced over the sparse grassed that grew, clinging to the rock face. The higher he got, the more his lungs struggled to draw in a deep breath. His paws faltered, causing him to nearly slip. Coughing slightly, he tried to suck in a deep breath as he righted himself. It got caught in his throat, making him nearly choke on the very air that he needed. He shook his half-sized tail, he needed to at least make it to the top. His fawn coloured fur clung to his sides as he struggled to find the right place to put his paws, but he knew that he needed a small break. Pausing, the prince stood there with his nose pointed towards the sky, eyes shutting against the gentle drill of rain against his face. He let the cool water soothe him, working on his breathing as he silently counted in his head. He would do this, he would prove that he wasn’t useless.

Make no mistake, the day will come when you can't cover up what you've done.


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.