
i know your hope is heavy



6 Years

11-19-2016, 02:49 AM

She couldn’t help but chortle at his answer, her blue and brown eyes gazing at him with a fondness in them. She rather liked his company, and she hoped that this wouldn’t be their last meeting by far. He had spoken about a lust for wandering, something that she had as well. Perhaps they could go and explore this world together? She kept that in mind as she boldly grabbed onto his tusk, looking up from where her teeth were lightly locked around him. His head pulled down ever so slightly as her weight pulled on him, obvious shock in his eyes. What, were wolves scared of his oversized bones? She snorted around her grip, just the corners of her mouth pulling up in a grin. He rumbled at her, causing her tail to spin behind her and let her bells ring out softly. Aki asked how he tasted, and she made a show of pretending to bite down harder. Her nose wrinkled up as she giggled, letting him go for a moment to lap at the area she had just been holding. "Like sunshine and rainbows," she said in an overly sweet voice before attempting to reclaim her hold. If he allowed her to, she gently shook her head back and forth to tug on his head a bit. Letting out a playful growl, Jaelle dropped her upper body and hoped to bring the giant wolf’s head lower. If she was successful, she tried to keep him there as her raised tail jingled behind her. Would he try to fight back in this playful banter? She was pretty light, she had no doubt that he would be able to lift his head and pull her up with it. Jaelle wasn’t strong by any means, none of this would be possible if he didn’t play along.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.