
Oh my stars



7 Years
11-19-2016, 01:25 PM

When Amalia's eyes opened, she knew that this dream was different than the rest. She had fallen asleep curled up beside Athena with thoughts of Arian on her mind, on how she missed her sister dearly. She would have had so much time left if it wasn't cut short, despite her injuries. Sniffing, the woman realized that she had been crying. But where was she? Looking around, she felt almost as if she was floating, feeling like everything was coated in a spectral mist. Her movements felt slow and groggy, but things were starting to become more and more clear with each passing moment. The tiny healer made her way towards an outcrop of trees, her interest growing about where exactly she was. Blinking, she saw a shape resting under the trees. Squinting, she realized that the colour of the wolf was familiar to her. Freezing, she gasped as she stared at the shape of her deceased sister. She had told Charm that your loved ones could come to you in dreams, and that she was waiting for her. Had her sister heard her thoughts? Sputtering, she took a few tentative steps towards her, afraid that she would disappear. Arian looked different than she did, more... solid in some way. But that didn't matter, none of it mattered now. Her pace quickened as she ran towards her, her breath hitching in her throat. When she reached her side she stopped, gazing down with tears welling up in her eyes. "A-arian?" she asked, her voice sounding far away to her own ears. "Is that really you?" Amalia was afraid that this was all a lie, something her mind had conjured up for her because of her nighttime thoughts. But oh gods she hoped so, she hoped this was really happening.

Art by Sin