
an elias baby momma



6 Years
Extra large

11-19-2016, 05:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 07:25 PM by Elias.)

1. Storm Wreckage
2. Zuriel Adravendi
3. Odette Ancora
4. ???

I am looking for anyone willing to go about the single mom life for babies from Elias. ;3;
All babies would get 25% off height up to 42" (I believe).

Elias has split personalities/schizophrenia and for this I actually want it to happen due to Elias' darker side taking over. aka, I'm not looking for romance for Elias and this will likely happen without the mother's consent on a night when the darker inhabitant of Elias' brain takes over.

THE REAL REASON I am doing this is because I have a design meant for twins in this litter (babies born in the same embryonic sac) seen above and Elias is 10 posts away from being able to breed. These babies were designed for a litter off-site from him that never happened, so this will actually be Elias' first time having offspring.

Things I should mention:
The mother will receive no help from Elias in taking care of the pups.
The mother will likely be raped.
Elias will not remember the conception ever happening.

Of course, it is perfectly okay for Elias to receive consequences for his actions regardless, aka people coming after him for what he's done to the character that gets signed up for this. That would actually be ideal for me and very fun to play out.

WHOEVER decides to play the mom may also play the other twin if they want to. I'm going to be playing the blue tinted one. Their names WERE going to be Push and Shove, but I kinda want to change their names now.

ALSO I WILL BE DESIGNING THE REST OF THE LITTER too so the other ones can look more like the mom if you like!

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!