
Most wonderful time of the year



9 Years
11-19-2016, 08:59 PM

She had been rather impressed with the training session and the turn out she had. She hadn't expected so many to show up and honestly it made her feel good that she was able to share her knowledge with that many minds. Hopefully within another month or two she would be able to gather different herbs and enough of them for another lesson. For now the women was taking the day to relax. Who knows maybe she would even get the chance to spend some one on one time with one of the pack members. She was hoping to get to know some of the pack members on more of a personal level and create some new relationships. Since this was now her home she wanted to hopefully become a sort of family with the rest of the members in the pack. Also for the first time since she was a young pup she was completely alone. Jack had decided to do some exploring on his own and felt comfortable doing so knowing that Storm would be safe. She had to admit she was enjoying it, though blind and unable to see where she was going, it was getting rather easy for her to navigate the pack lands.

Moving through the grasses the silver wolf took an easy pace as she moved forward through the thicket. Nose twitching as she took in the scents around her. These pack lands did smell rather heavenly to her, thick with the smell of different foliage. It was early in the morning and a light wet snow was on the ground, but it didn't bother the women much. Her linage came from more thicker coated wolf breeds and already her lush, thick, and silky winter coat was in. The hair between her paw pads has also thickened and grown in length to keep her vary warm for winter. She found a nice spot and flopped down onto her stomach soaking in the beginning of winter. The feeling of the light snow reminded her of home, her family, and her adventures as a child. She missed them, and often wondered what she would be doing now if she would have stayed with her roaming family clan.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times